Tag: Detailed
Imt 577 DV v 1.0

Description Ploughing mod Beacon Light Detailed Textured Operating Hours ESlimiter Credits: Model:MikiIMT InGame:Nikola757
Ford 8340, 8240, 7840

Reskin of Fiat Agri 110-90 2 Wheel Drive Detailed Cab Self ignitoin Smoke detail Operating hours Credits: all credit goes to Taigo Taigos mod
Fiat Agri 70-90

Reskin of Fiat Agri 110-90 2 Wheel Drive Detailed Cab Self ignitoin Smoke detail Operating hours Credits: all credit goes to Taigo Taigos mod
AW 10 Ton Trailer

Here is a 10 ton monocoque AW trailer. It includes: Fully Functional Lights Hydraulic Tipping Standard Hydraulic Tailboard Tweaked Specifications Detailed Model Realistic Scale It accepts: Maize, Wheat, Barely, Dung, Canola Capacity: 11,500 Thanks for downloading/looking! Credits: Model/In Game/Texture – SAR-michael Bug Fixes – Julian11AGI/SAR-michael Testers – Wiliam/FarmerMark96/Andy/Matt390t
Traffic Spine Pack
Hello, I have made this to make it easy to understand traffic spines and how to up them onto your map. The pack includes a Detailed tutorial on how to put them on your map and a i3d file including the stuff you will need, Spines and Junction triggers. I hope downloading this pack shows allot of people how easy this can be and its quick a good skill to have. The Tutorial has 10 easy to follow steps on how to do it, have tryed to explain it my best, but if you still don’t get it please post ... Read more