Tag: diesel
HW 80 Service Trailer v 2.0

Description I have even taken on request of buddelflink its HW-06-80 Service Trailer from LS11 to LS13, it hurts my soul, I did not get the trailer ready in time because Buddelflink-06 died on 18.01.2013 unfortunately I really wanted to release him, but after back language of the other two members of NKM-modding, who have asked me to do this but … here he is It is on it for Saatpaletten Drillmaschienen a tank for diesel fuel, a tank for fertilizer, and a Kärcher to clean Maschienen Credits: Urmodell by NKM–Modding LS 13 Ready tiger1234

FruitsMap For Farming Simulator 2011 Map no animals (cows).Production of alcohol: beer, wine, plumsBrandy The map contains the following crops: barley, wheat grass, apples, pears, plums, green grapes, blue grapes and hops. apples, pears, plums:needsSeeding=false green grapes, blue grapes : allowsSeeding=true Map includes the following modes: Brewery-input: hops and barley. Output: Radegast (beer) Composting: Input-barley straw, wheat straw and grass. Output-manure. Distillery: Input-apples, pears, plums. Output-plum. Agrofert: sale and purchase of crops. Winery: Input-green grapes, purple grapes. Output-wine Garden center: sales of manure and fertilizer. Apiaries. Input sugar (buy at Agrofert). Output honey. Mill: Input-barley, wheat. Output-flour. Kaufaland-buys: flour, honey, ... Read more
Scania diesel tank truck v3
Scania diesel tank truck, “Billinger country trade” for fueling tractors and threshers. (Works like the Hoftankstelle) Features: Mobile gas station, Highway Code V3.1 lighting, dynamic exhaust, tire dust in the field, einblendbarer gas station attendant. Price in Store: 68 400 € Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7afb1c9v716gai2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ufiwaj
Thuringian Forest Map v 2.0
Was added a gas station (diesel purchase) A sand mining (sand purchase) a station with a train track (no train runs) (sale of sand wheat barley canola corn potatoes, purchase of fertilizer and seed) sale in the wagon or in the field a construction site (selling sand) were on the farm silos replaced by grass and Maissilagesilo New grass texture added have been added power lines the bga has now other silos Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/Z5eDbfa4xr/Thueringen_v2.zip http://fiberupload.com/spy09afgde13/Thueringen_v2.zip
Farming Fun Map
Welcome to the Fun Map, where Farming went mad! Farmers are hard workers, and hard workers need to play hard. That’s why the LS-UK Modteam brings you: The Fun Map. Here, you can have a good game of football with your mates… Challenge them to Combine Racing Extravaganza, where smoke, diesel and roaring engines make your heart beat faster and your head spin! We provided you with 6 unique Combines, under license from the Lizard Racing Team. Have a go, pick your favourite and put the pedal to the metal! Show your friends why your tractor of choice is the ... Read more
Zil 5301
3D Models / Textury: VIRUS163 Texture -> Diesel Conversion from LS 09 -> Diesel Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?c66r39ngkum4024 http://www.sendspace.com/file/b1sw2p
Downtown Abbey Farms
Downtown Abbey Farms v 1 This is the Down Town Abbey Farms (V1) This is my first English map i made it in 3 days it have’s 8 fields Small/Medium/Large Fiels It have’s : Silage pit Grass pit Cow farm bale shed’s and fill point’s for seeder sprayers manure spreaders and diesel tank sell point. Download: http://ul.to/qg3fol4u http://freakshare.com/files/sv4hxhy4/DownTownAbbeyFarms.zip.html
Diesel Trailer
modder:Cisterna texture:Cisterna Download: http://ul.to/k5vwn85h http://uploading.com/files/8f92m944/Dieseltank.zip/