Tag: dirt
Bale Spike Pack mod

Credits Original Model:Stan89 interior edit: Nocsy SCRIPTS: terra trac by shangri66 4×4 by modelleicher Wheel dirt by Tobias F Operating hours & ESLimiter by Manuel Leithner Door by Henly20 Ignition by Templaer Lights by Sven777b
Lely Hibiscus Rake

Description Here is my rendition of fendt2468\’s Lely v.1.1 I have edited the logo and branding of this machine aswell as the dirt effect i have now made this get even dirtier (grassier) than before everthing else is the same as before. Credits SFM–Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468 Re edit: bertwrfc
Huerlimann XL130 v 2

Description This is my version 1.1.It Huerlimann XL130 is now with a new dirt skin Washable and has all-wheel specialization. Specializations plus all previous version of 1.It gets dirty after hour.I to hope every one like’s it.PLZ dont upload without permissions Manual Ignition KP Enter Dual Tires7 / 8 U-wheel Credits: Edit By KROME27 Dirt Skin By KROME27 Giants Software
Roads modular v 1.0
CONTENTS – SIDE STREETS: 6x line -> in 10/20/50/100/200/500 m 21x curves -> in different lengths and radii 1x multi-junction -> 24 different options 10x slope -> 10/20/30/40/50 m respectively as the uphill and downhill 1x connection -> transition to dirt etc. CONTENTS – FEDERAL ROADS: 6x line -> in 10/20/50/100/200/500 m 30x curves -> various lengths and radii 1x multi-junction -> 56 different options 6x pitch -> in 10/20/40 m respectively as the uphill and downhill 1x connection -> transition from federal to side street Credits: Modder: atze1978 Tester: steve91, Nowo27
Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 77 – upgraded
I pulled this small fella out of the game install folder mainly to see if I can do some tinkering of my own – integrating specializations, doing the dirt skin tutorial. I liked how it came out, so I decided to share it with the LS community. I know there are a few of these modified 77s out there already, but mine has a good feature list. Specializations: -Manual ignition -Additional Lights: front/rear worklights, indicators, brake and reverse -Odometer -Working hours -ESLimiter -Washable -Wheel particles All key bindings are listed in the on-screen help. Log is error and warning free. ... Read more
Lely Hibiscus Rake
Here is my rendition of fendt2468’s Lely v.1.1 I have edited the logo and branding of this machine aswell as the dirt effect i have now made this get even dirtier (grassier) than before everthing else is the same as before. Credits SFM-Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468 Re edit: bertwrfc
Amazone Big dog Seeder
A large surface seeder.It supports all major seeds with a 6000 litre capacity tank.It is completely reskinned in amazone citan colors and new washable skin.Use it with any tractor but try it behind an articulated tractor and u will see it leaves no empty spots at headland turns in helper mode. IT IS THE HORSCH BIG DOG SEEDER WITH AMAZONE SKIN AND NEW WASHABLE DIRT COLOR Credits Modell: Giants Soft Animation: Dietschnnorbert Askari
Lely v1.1
I have final decided to make a new version of the Lely. I have not made so much but I think it’s enough to upload it. I have made a new dirt so it is a Lely with some grassdust. It got a working width of about 8 meters. It works really good for me and it has some really good scripts. It doesn’t have the Beleuchtung.v3 script. It dosn’t kill the grass! Features: Dirt (Grassdust) Credits SFM-Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468
John Deere 9750sts Dirt Skin
The pack includes: JD 9750 rowcrop(with dirt skin) JD 9750 singles(with dirt skin) JD 640ft draper(with dirt skin) Big thank you to RafaelZanella to let me upload Hope you enjoy rooroojj13$ Credits: Model Body: MySQly,??? Model Wheels/Pipe: Knagsted Scripts: Giants,RaFa (RafaelZanella),Sven777b,SFM-Modding,Manuel Leithner,Templaer,Knagsted Model Ladder/Grain extend tank: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Edit1: OhioFarmer Edit2/fixed/New scripts – Final: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Sounds: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Tanks: LS-UK members forum/ American Eagles. Version V0.2 BETA. dirt skin rooroojj13$
Cat 345B
[gallery link=”file”] Modele: Fredzaza Texture: Fredzaza Script: Fredzaza dirt skin rooroojj13$