Tag: Dirty
Deutz-Fahr Autostacker 48

Description A Deutz re-skin I did of the Baleco 48, everything works 100% in single player and multiplayer as the originals did. Great for lifting a lot of bales in a hurry. :-) Credits: Re-skin: Dirty Flavour Original model: Giants Previous edits: angel.p Cederstrom96 TOUROK
New Holand 60.11

Standard fruty + Fertilizer,Grass,Silage,Chaff,Dung,Cotton, GreenWheat,Soja,Sunflower,Potato,Sugarbeet Capacity: 9000 Dirty Wheels Stable at high speeds Timber site (upgrade) Price: $ 4280 ls Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?72i3tp1922dbla0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/efwak4
NC3000 Gallon Vacuum Slurry Tanker( Red,Dirty + Scraped)
Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Reskin – Claas Jaguar 890 Download: http://ul.to/gayfsx4m
NC3000 Gallon Vacuum Slurry Tanker( Red,Dirty + Scraped)
Download: http://www.fileserve.com/file/r3TnHRr/REDNC3000.zip http://ul.to/om5rfl75
Dirty farmers car
Conversion and trailer hitch: atomic junkie adaptation of the cruise stage: eichertieger1 original vehicle for LS 2009: Giants Download: http://ul.to/011wwfqj
Deutz Agrotron M620 Dirty Wheels
Model : GIANTS Texture : GIANTS InGame : GIANTS Edit : Danthefarmerboy Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135525503/04455e9/AgrotronM620_Edit.zip.html
Deutz-Fahr Autostacker 48
Credits: Credits: Re-skin: Dirty Flavour Original model: Giants Previous edits: angel.p Cederstrom96 TOUROK Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122348458/aed5aac/deutz48stack.zip.html
John Deere 6510 Dirty (Dual wheels, Weight)
Description: Modell: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Textur: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Script: Templaer Skin: Bjorny Edit: Mark H. & rOm.RidEr Download: John Deere 6510 Dirty (Dual wheels, Weight) [Hotfile.com]