Randazzo T55PP
Credits: Model by Marcolussi Script:HmcrE Fix:Clod LS11 by nhG210 Capacita’: 16000 l Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125336964/e3756b5/RandazzoT55PP.zip.html
Credits: Model by Marcolussi Script:HmcrE Fix:Clod LS11 by nhG210 Capacita’: 16000 l Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125336964/e3756b5/RandazzoT55PP.zip.html
Credits: Authors – cottonvillefarms main build and scheme sandgropher for additions editing + hours of testing and fixing bad alocations Seed shed by sandgropher PDA by sandgropher LAU by sandgropher Tested by sandgropher Downloads...
Credits: Model:JDEAN, BAYN, Leandrols09 Textur: Leandrols09 Edit LS11: Nocsy Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125335651/e3b66eb/b_JD_T_660i.zip.html
Credits: Model:balogh2003 Edit:stehbeni lsportal.hu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125315861/ec9c4d7/FortschrittE281C.zip.html
Credits: Modelo/Scripts/Som: FazendeiroBR www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125312151/866e7f1/MB_Axor_2544_Pack_Unzipme.zip.html
Credits: By Bociek Convert LS11: Gaxi EDIT KAWALS/Lesnik Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125248947/eab6129/micromapeditlesnik.zip.html
This is an edit of the original map. The map hasn’t been altered much as I preferred to leave the major areas alone. So the Harbor,Grain Mill and Brewery are in there original positions....
Credits: ClaasDominator106S Modell: Nickel77 Textur: Nickel77 ls11:zadorkaa Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125239476/e13f2ed/ClaasDominatorpack.zip.html
Credits: Massey Ferguson 168 Pontiacsj www.farmingsimulatordestek.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125239094/2a0a43d/mf168_kabin.zip.html