Tagged: dl


John Deere 7810 AP

Credits: Model: Templaer and Wohlstandskind Model: Agrotron130 edit and conversion for LS2011 AlesK Autopilot LS11 AlesK Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121763458/74feb42/JohnDeere7810_AP.zip.html


Claas Lexion 580TT + Autopilot v 2

Credits: Modell/Textur: shangri66, Freddy Ingame: Psycho Dirt-Skin/Anpassungen/Feintuning: Mofa-Killer Script: Defender, Face, sven777b, Mofa-Killer Fixed: Deli01 AP: gotchTOM Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121695390/3e340fd/Claas_Lexion_550TT_openme.zip.html


KamAZ 54115 kolxoznik & Pricep v 2

Credits: Modell: ??? Edit modell: xXxALEXSxXx Textury: xXxALEXSxXx Edit KamAZ/Edit pricep: xXxALEXSxXx Add scripts: xXxALEXSxXx Fixed/Optimization: TruckGame.ru (vanek) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121695001/1d834d4/KamAZ_54115_kolxoznik_und_Pricep.rar.html