Tag: Dorminator
Kuhn & Vicon Butterfly Mower Pack 100% Grass regrowth

Here is the Vicon front mower and the Kuhn rear butterfly mower put into a pack to make a triple mower pack. These mowers do not kill the grass and allow full regrowth. These mowers allow fields to be cut quickly and efficiently. They are not my mods. Full credits have been given below. Credits: Vicon model & texture- ClaasJaguar870 Ingame- Claasjaguar870 Script- Giants software Kuhn Umbau: Andi (6630) LS11 ready + Skin: X318iX/sven777b/Dorminator Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dc8o3oq813ei7qe http://www.sendspace.com/file/uwpk3x

Description: * Flaggen “wehen” * Waschbar Credits: Modell: Giants Texture: Giants/X318iX Script: Giants Edit: Michl2 X318iX Wahsable: Dorminator Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4se3s973xk0u475 http://hotfile.com/dl/135796964/eb4e7da/Schneeschild.zip.html
Kuhn Mower Pack

Description: I thought these two mowers would make a perfect combination so i put them into a pack hope you all enjoy.. Credits: Kuhn FC131F With Triangle Credits: Comversion–Danielthefarmer SFM Modding–Model,Script and Texture Kuhn Butterfly Credits: Umbau: Andi (6630) LS11 ready + Skin: X318iX/sven777b/Dorminator Washable-Script by sfm-modding Download: Kuhn Mower Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Kuhn Mower Pack [Uploading.com]
Fella Butterfly
Description: Umbau: Andi (6630) LS11 ready + Skin: X318iX/sven777b/Dorminator Washable-Script Download: Fella Butterfly [Hotfile.com] Download: Fella Butterfly [Uploading.com]