Tag: Download
DAF CF 85.480
Download: http://ul.to/i35x6tcy http://www.fileserving.com/files/893Xt8Rjfb/DAF CFmjaym925.7z
Download: http://ul.to/fde2jkmf http://www.fileserving.com/files/jQ2XxwVmDQ/DAF_NGTEF_mjaym923.rar
Mark Map
Download: http://ul.to/vpqy2qso http://www.fileserving.com/files/NWS9x24w5C/MarksMapV3_6.zip
Standartmap with biomass power plant
Download: http://ul.to/hq1nj4dh http://www.fileserving.com/files/MMXryCFNTC/BioMasseKraftwerk.zip
At the lake with normal
Download: http://ul.to/pcf2vhlq http://www.fileserving.com/files/syKBECdnkT/Am_See_v12a_NormalBGA_BITTE_ENTPACKEN.rar
Hessenmap v 2.1
It wurde3 eineiges in contrast to the original Hessenmap changed. Complete the other court. Bga has other distributors and other sales outlets have been built and rebuilt changed the textures. It has made things a bit more realistic. Were also installed new triggers. See for yourself .. Download: http://ul.to/9l2l8p2n http://depositfiles.com/files/q6yidykz6
Mark Map v 3.7
Hir is the newly refurbished version of my Mark’s Map V3. New features include: Manure and Mis Mod New addition to the BGA BGA DLC2 New Haven and Hendler on indoor Manure belt taken away (because of errors) new Sounds Mammoet Firmer and much more! Download: http://depositfiles.com/files/ev9vby5x2 http://ul.to/t8qgz64k
Claas Dominator 105 v 2.0
Here is a revised Dominator 105 pack from me. The thresher has some animated and rotating parts, such as the fan motor, pulleys, etc. Grain tank volume from Drescher: 5500 fruits: Standard fruit + oats and sunflower What was done: mucked i3d’s and zip’s all errors were eliminated from the log Umgeskint in green sometimes the animations were improved new Tastenbelgungen extra Infohud (German for now) Improved driving behavior 2 new crops of oats and sunflower etc. Download: http://ul.to/grgcjzaz http://depositfiles.com/files/0n1mwtx5b
WIP project Modhoster Special Pack v 1.0
The set consists of the Kögel Tautliner T164-580 and Scania Longline Download: http://ul.to/5bh2an8f http://depositfiles.com/files/m6aljjmf9