Tag: Download

NIVA SZK-5 M1 Pack

Description: Model: Meetey!!, Zil-131, Demon999 In game: Zombi88888 Modification, sound, texture: Clondike Download: NIVA SZK-5 M1 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: NIVA SZK-5 M1 Pack [Uploading.com]

DON 1500 A

Description: Model: scholl Textur: Timur, komet, scholl Sound: komet In game: komet RePack/Fixed: vanek Download: DON 1500 A [Hotfile.com] Download: DON 1500 A [Uploading.com]

New Holland TVT195

Description: By: kozix33 Download: New Holland TVT195 [Hotfile.com] Download: New Holland TVT195 [Uploading.com]

CLAAS Lexion 770 TT Pack

Description: Modell: shangri66 Update: Mario Specializations MultiGrain: Leandrols09 Specializations: Level indicator Hecktar-counter (today / total) Brake light Backing lights Rev Working light rear / front Another Green Star (Lightbar) 4 Cameras (left / right of the cabin, we see the cutter clear New Sounds (Außensound and interior sound) Multi-Grain Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 TT Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 TT Pack [Uploading.com]

CLAAS Lexion 740 & 770 Pack

Description: Urmodder: Shangri66 Umbauten und Skin: Bandit & MRA Modding Schneidwerkswagen: meistro Download: CLAAS Lexion 740 & 770 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 740 & 770 Pack [Uploading.com] Download: WARNING!!! Reproduced in the mods folder, without it you can not buy the Lexions! [Hotfile.com] Download: WARNING!!! Reproduced in the mods folder, without it you can not buy the Lexions! [Uploading.com]

John Deere 6405

Description: Modell: Templaer und Wohlstandskindl, Leandrols09 Textur: Templaer and Wohlstandskind, Leandrols09 Pneus Duplos: Leandrols09 Script: Templaer Edit: Leandrols09 Download: John Deere 6405 [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 6405 [Uploading.com]

CLAAS Dominator 86 (AP)

Description: Model: Ladaman Textur: Ladaman Script: Tornado Download: CLAAS Dominator 86 (AP) [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Dominator 86 (AP) [Uploading.com]

Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1

Description: Case Varicut 3050 Model & Texture: Shangri66 Edit Case: Nocsy Script: GIANTS Software GmbH, sven18koehlerEdits: DanielM Bug Fix: Mr. F Biso SWW 9m fitting for V900 Model: Maurermatze Edit: sk8mike,Ryboth, Mr.K Script: MxY.rlp Download: Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1 [Uploading.com]

Harvest Glenvar ModPack

Description: Original Model (CAT Lexion 480R): shangri66, MySQly Original Model (Massey Ferguson 187): Agrotron130, Outlaw, Samuel – Original Model (Midwest Cutter): Bigfarmer145 Converted by: Ls Portal Italy Team Download: Harvest Glenvar ModPack [Hotfile.com] Download: Harvest Glenvar ModPack [Uploading.com]

Bizon Z058 Pack

Description: Mod by Koso & Fatality Skin, Edit: NewMan Download: Bizon Z058 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Bizon Z058 Pack [Uploading.com]