Tag: Dual
Valmet 1102

This is Valmet 1102 Tractor made by opelman. I have permission from him to release it. Features : Rpm limiter Manual ignition Dual Wheels Credits: Model:Opelman Script: Henly20 and Peterj Added:Opelman31 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?on1209uz8zhi5ig http://www.sendspace.com/file/am5jbq
Case IH7250 pro 261ch

Rpm limiter that’s different of the ESlimiter Manual Ignition Speed dysplays control Dual wheels Credits: Modell : Sandro In game : balow67 edit : balow67 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?e4gu982ns8egwce http://www.sendspace.com/file/qw929v
Case IH 5150 MaxxTrac
A Brilliant mod based on a Brilliant tractor. The last model to be introduced to the Case IH Maxxmum range and the most power full. Introduced in 1993 and built in the old IH plant at Nuess Germany this tractor was powered by a Cummins B6T-590 engine producing 125hp, the tractor remained in production until 1996. This mod is equiped with a loader braket for a quicke loader. Other Acsseories include: Opening and closing doors and windows. Warning blinkers and indicators. Front Linkage Work Lamps. Manual eignition Dual wheels. This mod belongs to its origional creators. Credits: Model MF390 Edit ... Read more
Dual tires
by claasveet81 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129271033/b592964/newTwinSetByCLAASVEET81.rar.html
IHC 1255XL v 1.1 Removable Frontloader
Credits: KP Enter Front weight: 9 Attacher up/down: Y/G Doors: KP 9/7 Top and rear window: 5/6 Worklight: L/K ESL: pageup/pagedown Dual wheels: 8 Turn signals: KP 1/3 Hazard lights: KP 2 Frontloader and Konsole: KP 4/6 Frontloader controls: mouse Autosteer: KP 5 4X4: 7 Hold in headlight key for brights. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126685596/64273ae/IHC1255XL_RM_FL.zip.html
Same Silver 180 Dual
Credits: By: matteo135 LS 2011 ready by Farmar www.ls-mod.ru Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124474861/8be29a7/SAMESILVER180dual.zip.html
John Deere 6510 Dirty (Dual wheels, Weight)
Description: Modell: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Textur: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Script: Templaer Skin: Bjorny Edit: Mark H. & rOm.RidEr Download: John Deere 6510 Dirty (Dual wheels, Weight) [Hotfile.com]
T-150K Dual
Description: 3D Models/Textury: Andryuha Konvertatsiya/programirovaniya: Sanyaolhanka Edit by Clondike & Arminas Download: T-150K Dual [Hotfile.com]