Tag: Duarn
Somerset farm

Welcome to somerset farm. This is an edit of fergie farm v2. It now has 14 fields on a more hill terrain. There is a new yard with more sheds and most importantly, grass and maize triggers!! I would recommend the massy 240 pack for this map as if you had any bigger a tractor you would crash. This map has all the origonal fruits plus sugerbeet and potato which can be sold at the shed in the village. This map has tight concrete lanes to traverse with small machinery. If you want to combine use a lizard or modteams ... Read more
FantasyLand DLC2

Giants Software Sugarbeet texture for map by Bayn Maiz in rowsV2 by Dad0 Texture Pack by Melfoy Grass texture by Masam/Wopito Foliage Trees by Wallu Baleshredder by Sprengi Storage Shed Pack V2 by Discoade Braueri by ETS/GTS British Shed Pack by Farmer54/Andrew Stanford Hangar and Maison by Duarn OldWindmill by Bitten/Gerzi Zuckerruebenfabrik by Kleener22 10 Different Hedge by Spider100 LowpolyTrees by Vanilleeis Barbed Wire Fence by FMC/Kaosknite Silage Clamp by Griffydam/Dodo27 FarmStorageSilo by The Oman/Dinamit3/Spider100 Fuelpumpe by Volvot22 Guellegrube V1 by Manuel Silo by DerLord Spotlight by Showgunn84 DDRTankstelle by DDR_Bauer Wall1 by LeicestershireFarmer MapWaterTrigger u Wasserbecken v 1.0 ... Read more
Beacons View Dairy Farm V2.1

Credits: Giants (of course) Slartibartfast aka DOCTORHILTI for ind est and houses and shop models Dr-uptown and Marcus for their hard work on the FMCmapdoortrigger and animating ind est doors potato/beet shed Decker_MMIV for the experimental multifruit map & fruit coding advice & the PDA mod. All at FMC who have contributed in one way or another The LS-UK mod team for the Gates and Gateposts from Wellbrook farm (09) adrien12 for the gazoil tank Duarn for the maison03 & 04 willjsavage for the old country wall discoade for the paths from his Map objects pack Sandgroper for the triple ... Read more
Lakepeak Cattle Farm v4
Made by Nublu Big thanks to Jellebie34 for the idea and Reef for the help. Thanks to Duarn, Solanz, Wolfheart, Venom and Axel of Sweden for the buildings. Also thanks to Tyler Burgess for the bridge. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136896224/5f8354d/Lakepeak_Cattle_Farmv4.zip.html
Chestnut Farm V3
Credits Haaarry XD for testing Frasier for the shed I believe it is pfreek that made the BGA and the gates Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for many of the buildings – dairy, houses Tommy23 cattle barns Tubbz for the weighing station Griffy for old cottage Duarn for the hangar shed v1.2 Farmer 54 for the British shed pack Dodo27 for power pole and stone bridge and farm shop Wolf2658 for the now where else map. Acert and ace of spades for the milk mod MP and the trailer. Bob 81 for the PG mod pack ... Read more
Chestnut Farm V3
Credits Haaarry XD for testing Frasier for the shed I believe it is pfreek that made the BGA and the gates Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for many of the buildings – dairy, houses Tommy23 cattle barns Tubbz for the weighing station Griffy for old cottage Duarn for the hangar shed v1.2 Farmer 54 for the British shed pack Dodo27 for power pole and stone bridge and farm shop Wolf2658 for the now where else map. Acert and ace of spades for the milk mod MP and the trailer. Bob 81 for the PG mod pack ... Read more
Lakepeak Cattle Farm
Made by Nublu Big thanks to Duarn, Solanz, Venom, Axel of Sweden and Wolfheart for their buildings I found from this site. Thanks to Tyler Burgess for the wooden bridge. Thanks to ls-uk for all the info. And a big thanks to Reef for the help! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134982445/5c60b78/Map.zip.html