Tagged: Edit


Anklamer Country Map

Ich danke allen Moddern und Scriptern, deren Werke ich auf dieser Map verwendet habe. Insbesondere geht ein dank an: pfreek (Straßenschilder und Leitpfosten) Defender (SuperSilo Edit for LS11 Paladium) 818vario (Halle) planet-ls und Heady...


New Holland T7070

Modell, texture:Templaer Edit/skin: –NewMan– converted by baarsgaard LS08/09: HmcrE repack&beacon : Alkimysta $ JD7530 Edit;VarioTronic (mateusz2256) Download: http://ul.to/yus9dd7l


Farm Hundimetsa V3

Edit by Venom and by Metsavend. Scripts: potato/sugarbeet by Wernesgrüner. weed by Headshot XXL/ Burner. Bale Destroy Prices by TwistedGA. Buildings and objects by GIANTS,by Venom,by ar1g3,by Axel_of_Sweden,by DESCH,by juketsu,by Claas01,by sketchup,by dodo27 ,by...


New Holland T 7070

Modell & texture:Templaer Edit/skin: LS2009FAN Converted by Baarsgaard Warning light: Larsey123 Download: http://ul.to/v42ncshz  http://freakshare.com/files/hjuqn8ag/NewHollandT7070.zip.html 


Kraz 260

Author: Avalon Style Entertainment (Game KRAZ)/JAWA Conversion: JAWA In Game: JAWA Edit: JAWA Download: http://ul.to/6pidfkp9  http://freakshare.com/files/4qmdafwo/KrAZ260V2BETA.zip.html