Tag: Energy
Energy Combine Pack

3 combines re-skinned red bull, monster and rockstar all the combines have matching headers tank-25000 FruitTypes=wheat,rape,maize,barley,oat,rice,sunflower,mohn,rye and grass. Credits: skin of the combines and of the headers and AP-joker83 headers by meistro, converted by jb3pc4sale Model Original:Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender Download: http://ul.to/7f3s5vz5
JHG Renault Komunal

Description: Janny wrire: ich habe den Renault den es schon als Monster Energy Version gab mal um geskinnt und mein LU schild dran gebaut es folgen warscheinlich noch eine Map oder so!!!! Credits: Modell:madabub Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?erkdwe7dgwfzjyr http://hotfile.com/dl/135800480/4605024/JHGRenaultKomunal.zip.html
Renault Monster Energy
Credits: Model ETS/GTS Umbau by madabub Skin by madabub Ingame by madabub Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127260325/9f65c36/renault_magnumMonsteredit.zip.html
CLAAS HS-2 Energy Willow pack
Description: Energiafuz vagasara alkalmas adapter Modell: balogh2003 Textur: balogh2003