Tag: England
Marston Hill farm

Welcome to Marston Hill farm set in England. This map includes plenty of nice features with really lovely views and medium to large fields. The land is mostly hilly with some flat fields, and some really nice viwe’s.The map has two farm which is a contractor’s yard and the main farm not to far down the road. Watch the gateways they are tight to get in to. The lanes to get to are very tight to so which out. Mona tractor’s is located next to the village, it is your main dealer for john Deere and many more other makes. ... Read more
Hall Farm

Hall Farm V2 Set in the heart of England with beautiful scenery Be carefull of those tight roads and gateways, your going to have to chose your equipment wisely. There is 2 yards, the first been Hall Farm witch is your main yard that will have plently of space to accommodate all your machinery! Also at Hall Farm you will find grain silos, fule tank, seed refill, spray refill, fertiliser refill, 2 silage pits and of course your house! Two minuits drive down the road is your second yard “Meadow Farm” witch is a small beef/dairy farm where you will ... Read more