Tag: equipment
Zetor 7745 V 1.1 Mitr Frontlader

Description o here once a Zetor7745 with front loader Pflugmod was Installed Loader please unzip the pack with inside so Normal tires Rear Duals Tire Care When Zetor was your ride adjusted CONNECTING When you hear of equipment into place now, the insurance holder! Improved sound and more little things Credits: Pl_teams
Save Game Pack v BETA

Description Hello Farmer, Do you know that even that you start a new game and with the existing launch vehicles and the entire starting equipment are not happy? For those who do not like it, use a text editor to edit the files, or just do not know how to do something, we have to solve the problem: We offer you 3 packs, each with different starting vehicles, and start-up assistance, such as straw bales … include: Credits: greatjack
Clutch for tractor v 1

Here is a clutch for tractors. It is a separate clutch, with which you can hang a normal truck trailers or equipment with the ball coupler. Author: gnescher
Maz 200B & Maz 205 Pack

Welcome back to John Deere equipment! If your looking for trucks we have got exactly what you need right here the Maz 200B and the Maz 205! They are the best trucks around with features like: Maz 200B/Maz 205 Multiplayer Supported Moving Gauges Opening Doors/Windows Multifruit (Wheat Barley, Rape, Maize, Chaff, Grass, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, carrots, Sunflower & Sand) Blinkers/Hazard Lights Moving Switches Vibrating Engine Opening Engine Panels Addable Spare Tires Manual Ignition Cabin Lighting Very Detailed Brake Lights Moving Shifters Dim/Bright Lights Maz 200B Trailer Capacity: 12,000 MAZ 205 Trailer Capacity: 7,000 MAZ 205 Cost: $90,000 MAZ 200B Cost: ... Read more
Norwegian Building Pack
Here I have made a small Building pack for you. The pack consist of: -> One Old Norwegian barn. – That has sell triggers for ALL original fruits between the two silos, in front of the door, A baleshredder just inside the barn ( about in the middle of the floor), A Liquid manure trigger, and also a manure heap with trigger. -> One Equipment shed – This one does not have any functions, only a shed for storage of your equipment. -> One small Shed – This one does not have any functions, this is only a small shed ... Read more
GenX Bale Trailer
Welcome to John Deere Equipment I see your looking at our newest bale trailer the GenX Bale trailer. It features: Side Dump Opening Sides Double Axle Lights The Controls to the trailer are: Dump: Press K Open Left Panel: N Open Right Panel: J Its not a bad deal for $10,000. Thanks for shopping at John Deere Equipment! If you have any problems please make a note in the Support Topic. Happy Farming! Credits Model: GeneralX Texture: GeneralX Converted: Spider100
Fortshritt E340 and E302 Cutter
Here is a Fortschritt swather, used to swath grass only, doesnt accept any grains. This unit has fully functioning autopilot, which I find very helpful when playing single player, since mowing is one of the things that is hard to get hireable equipment for. This unit has been fixed by me, I have fixed the killing grass problem, also I have fixed the problem when coming over a hill or bump the swather head would come off of the ground slightly and miss grass, I have made it more flexible so it stays on the ground. This swather has ESlimiter, ... Read more
Remolques Agrobellon
Pack trailer Agrobellón dropside with two and three axles and load capacities ranging from 12000 to 24000 kgs. The pack containt the following trailers: – Agrobellón V12: two-axle trailer with dropside 12000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 4250x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective, open type truck. – Agrobellón V14: two-axle trailer with dropside 14000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5000x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V16: two-axle trailer with dropside 16000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5500x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V18: two-axle trailer with dropside 18000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 6250x2400x1200 ... Read more
Origins Farm V2
Ok, so here it is as V2! Welcome to the new Origins Farm! I really only had one fix, and that was the fuel trigger at the main farm. It now properly registers and works. I added in a couple of new silage pits, one for corn, one for grass, at the dairy farm. I also added in a seed stack and trigger inside the barn at the dairy. The biggest improvements are new, updated and placed, vehicle. The main farm has the larger machinery for the more robust farmers, and some smaller equipment at the dairy. Also, construction of ... Read more