Tag: error
Rapeseed crop wheat stock v 1.0

Description I’ve even made corn and wheat A rape camp because I did not find is my erstest gebeude must be installed with GE log is error free Credits: Bossplaya
VW v 1.0

Description features: Traffic vehicle. Figure installed and painted to match. Driving behavior of Giants. Of light Giants. Engine sound. Traffic trigger installed. Bumpers, door handles, Chrome front and tailpipes. Slices into sounds, wheels made rollable. Unfortunately could not mount because of uv-error all the textures. Simply copy the Modsordner. The number, location and the appearance of the traffic vehicles Zeipunkt it has no effect, which controls LS. Credits: GIANTS chaser MAX GRUETER
Claas Tucano 480 MW v 1.0

Description Modifications: adjusted pace. Skin and interior details have been improved. Sound improved. Data errors from the log processed. The MOD is now without error log. Credits: Jerrico, florian1990,marius63
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more
Krone Big Pack Attacher v 2.1
Now without Logfehler and so packed that they are also found in the shop. In addition, adjusted texture formats and schema. The mod is not my work, I have only repaired the error. And no, I have also asked anyone for permission. That to me is that is too stupid, if people do not even get to the line to grab the archive properly, so you can simply copy the mod into the folder and then use. Credits: GIANTS titi et gwen
Forestry step Rundbalen v 1
Description here is a round baler of progress, special is only the new sound and a license plate because I have only taken from ls11 to 13mm, the original modder is me unfortunately nich known when his mod recognizes then please times pn me, it is ERROR–FREE and does not even provide otherwise Credits: habe in konvertiert
Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T v 1
one Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T Wagon in scale 1:1. Because We missed a little small Wagon from Farming Simulator 011, we have him unceremoniously rewritten yesterday. He is not yet final, a few small changes in the near future he will get even more (I like the particle system is not 100% sure), but here it is for now. Fully functional, error free, UV errors, (compared Eisntellungen from the manufacturer’s site) with LS13 wheels, 21300l load volume and a DIN curb weight of 2700kg. It can load wheat and barley straw, grass and hay. He also received at 2, 3 ... Read more
grasbox v 2
A completely error-free version, textures were adjusted, no UVs more! Seeking urgently a conveyor belt for mist,
Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 77 – upgraded
I pulled this small fella out of the game install folder mainly to see if I can do some tinkering of my own – integrating specializations, doing the dirt skin tutorial. I liked how it came out, so I decided to share it with the LS community. I know there are a few of these modified 77s out there already, but mine has a good feature list. Specializations: -Manual ignition -Additional Lights: front/rear worklights, indicators, brake and reverse -Odometer -Working hours -ESLimiter -Washable -Wheel particles All key bindings are listed in the on-screen help. Log is error and warning free. ... Read more
John Deere 4455 and 4255 2wd
This is my final version/fix of my John Deere 4455 and also a John Deere 4255 2wd. It’s a pack so make sure to unzip, open the folder and then place the mods into your mod folder. Many thanks to Julian11AGI for permission to use the excellent wheels from his John Deere 7810 American Version. Special thanks to Galwaygrass and Clint for testing these mods. These mods are an edit of Knagsted’s John Deere 4450 model. Very close to 1:1 scale. Tests error free in SP. It’s MP ready but not tested, so please let me know if there are ... Read more