Tag: Euro Truck Simulator
Mega mod

[gallery link=”file”] —————Echte Firmen Mega Mod by lkwaner————für Euro Truck Simulator******************* Mod : Echte Firmen Mega Mod by lkwaner von : lkwaner Dieser mod ändert die Vorhandenen Firmen in Echte…… -LKWlog………..Deutsche Post -Eurogoodies……DHL -Transinet……..TNT -Trameri……….UPS -Tradeaux………IKEA -Euroacres……..ALDI -Posped………..McDonalds -Treeet………..Bauhaus -Sanbuilders……OBI -Karfor………..Media Markt -Sellplan………KiK -wgcc………….Aral -FCP…………..Shell -Nbfc………….Esso -Itcc………….BP —-INSTALATION—- scs.-Datein in den Mod-Ordner einfügen! (C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Du\Eigene Dateien\Euro Truck Simulator\mod und los gehts! Nutzungsbedingungen: – Die in diesem Paket enthaltenen Modelle, Skins und sonstigen Dateien dürfen kostenlos für Privatpersonen zum Spielen im Spiel \”Euro Truck Simulator\” benutzt werden. – Es ist strikt untersagt das Paket oder Teile davon komerziell zu vertreiben! ... Read more
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2) Officially confirmed release date

ENGLISH: Finally, the officially confirmed release date from ETS 2 is published. Here is the official letter from SCS Software: (Deutsche Version weiter unten) Dear friends of truck simulation games, I have news about the Euro Truck Simulator 2 release: finally, we are ready to commit to a specific release time. This piece of good news may however be mixed with a bit of disappointment, especially for the less patient among you. We have been working on the game for almost two years, sticking to the proverbial “when it’s done” planning all this time. Now, at last we are confident ... Read more
REMARK CITY BUS FOR EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR ——————————————— This is a conversion of the city bus from Bus Driver. Enjoy! INSTALLATION ———— Copy the ‘Remark City Bus.scs’ to your Euro Truck Simulator mod folder. In game the bus replaces the Volvo FH16 C Class. If you want to change this feel free :D INFO —- Performance is the same as the Volvo C class, so its resonably economical. It costs £96,000 so you can buy it from scratch (I suggest you do except keep in mind it can’t tow any loads) This will be fixed in an upcoming large scale ... Read more
Mercedes Benz Actros 2546 MP3 & Narko Reefer
Euro Truck Simulator v1.3 Tested MBActros 2546 MPIII : Base by ??? … Tuned by ” N4NO ” Narkö Reefer by : NeLLeS_3D KamilS Paffalek Nick W Wheel Truck (actrosven) : by ” Ventyres ” Wheel Trailer (safven/mega2): by ” Ventyres ” Flarepack : by ” Samson ” Skin : by ” Sax™ ” Screen : by ” Sax™ ” Converted : by ” Sax™ ” Parts Tuned : by ” Sax™ ” ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Truck Replace : MBActros class. B Trailer Replace : Default Reefer Trailer ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Instructions: 1) Extract all file SCS into your MOD folder of ETS 2) ... Read more
Installation: All file from folder move to My Documents / Euro Truck Simulator / mod Folder in folder this folder move to SAVE My Documents / Euro Truck Simulator / Save GAME RUN FROM SAVE!!! Download: http://ul.to/r4barq5b http://uploading.com/files/3de4f6cd/DAF_XF_105.510_SSC_%252B_SCHMITZ_AKO.rar/
Euro Truck Simulator MAN Sleepwaggel Wielsma v0.1
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?kzkva49f9gw8lx8 http://www.file-upload.net/download-3466118/MAN_Sleepwaggel_Wielsma_v0.1.rar.html
Euro Truck Simulator Man TGX
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?kv93iz3g1ol1hnl http://www.file-upload.net/download-3464364/Man_Tgx_by_maRyan.rar.html
Euro Truck Simulator Reno Premium
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?r78rn1jipti7145 http://www.file-upload.net/download-3464471/premium_for_ETC.rar.html
Mercedes Benz Actros 2541 Combo
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?m41ozx624c1dgyr http://www.multiupload.com/IXZJ0HZGJC http://hotfile.com/dl/135272936/cc3f63b/Euro–Truck–Simulator–Mercedes-Benz-Actros-2541-Combo.rar.html