Tag: exhaust
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more

Description V1.0 Features: 1. Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers 2. Key controlled back actor 3. Opening left door 4. Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) 5. Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision 6. Working stabiliser jacks 7. Not multiplayer compatible (it would require additions to the scripts to make it MP compatible, I have no plans to make it MP compatible as I don’t use it but anyone else is welcome to try) 8. Engine note drops and exhaust emits more smoke when ... Read more
David Brown 1690 ver1.2

David Brown 1690 made by opelman. I has realease permit from him. ver 1.2 Updates:smaller file size, new hood, new tires,added some details, dynamic exhaust, power shaft attacher Mod has basic functions: ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, manualIgnition, openable windows Switchable 4X4 Traction, dynamic exhaust, powershaft attacher press “5” to start the tractor press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to turn 4×4 on/off press “9” to put on rear dual wheels press num1 open/close left door press num2 open/close right door ... Read more
Fiat 90 DT
this is a fiat that i uploaded from another site for farming simulator 2011 it featurs -switchable front weights -relistic exhaust smoke -animated rear hydraulics -relistic camber -relestic indor cam(beta) -upper arm appears out if nothing is attached -turn signals,lights work -eslimiter -throttle limiter-real life sound thanxs for downloading this mod Credits original:chrisp umbaui:schluetefan1977 ingame:schluetefan1977 scripts:(model)eicher,real exaust partical systems for fiat(mythos extra weights(MR.X)gaslimiter sound: toxic9377
Deutz-Fahr AgroStar 6.71
Deutz-Fahr AgroStar 6.71 Edit by Nick Jepsen (nick-deutz) the tractor details : Open dore and windows add double weels light and worklight double warning lights chrome exhaust blinker left and right Credits Deutz DX Power Sven777b edit By Nick Jepsen (me)
Ploughing mod
Simulation of the Groove by the collapse of the wheels where Groove should be without prejudice to the area,-Simulate jumpy terrain while driving on an area plowed,-Increase the engine speed during plughing,-Additional exhaust gas particle system, which appears during plughing.The package contains two examples of tractors and user’s Guide. Clear All Credits credits all to (Burner)
Deutz 7545 RTS TT v 1.5 Multifruit
– ESLimiter v2 – Area Counter – Hour meter – Lighting v3 (working front light, pipe light, low beam / high beam, (warning) indicators, brake lights) – straw shredder – auto steer (steering lock) – Green Star dyn -. Exhaust fumes – WheelParticle – skin changed slightly – Automatic adjustment to the ground on the cutting on an inclined plane – New, private Füllplanen for ALL fruits! – crops: wheat, barley, canola, triticale, rice, rye, oats, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, soybeans, peas, corn , green beans, yellow beans, cotton, coffee, aloe vera – Grain tank capacity: 12500 liters (Unloading rate ... Read more
Lamborghini Racing 190
Version V1.0: All animations and functions can be controlled from the cab of an IC-Controlle. e.g. Engine start / stop, doors, windows, roof hatch, cabin lights, wipers, 4×4, warning light, turn signals, rear PTO, light, sun visor, etc. Full animated cockpit Help window by pressing F2 (visible only in the cabin) -In-/Outdoorsound Responds to doors, windows and roof hatch -Adjustable Indoor Camera Physical-cam driver seat with noise bumps Wipers -Ein-/Ausblendbare Front Console -An-/Abbaubarer Front loader with hydraulic leveling and a new sound Scoop for Standard Fruit (DLC2 version gives it extra!) Washable All- -Throttle limiter -4×4 (MP ready) -DLBA (air ... Read more
BigBud 747 v2 mit Heckhydraulik
Hello! I’ve always Wolte a BigBud haben.Doch unfortunately not working properly (at least I’ve found). I particularly missed the hydraulics on the rear! ! So I made my own one time and assembled in the days of Puzzelarbeit. been improved: -Driving behavior Wheels are now running around -Rear mounted hydraulic -Manualignition (key num) eventu. Set in control -ESlimiter Wheel-particle -Wheeldirt -Much exhaust fumes Tilt the hood läst (key 5), a door opens (touching on UM9 + NUM6, trailer hitch height adjustment (key 4 + num num 1) This is consistent with the key assignment there, because it does not appear ... Read more
Scania diesel tank truck v3
Scania diesel tank truck, “Billinger country trade” for fueling tractors and threshers. (Works like the Hoftankstelle) Features: Mobile gas station, Highway Code V3.1 lighting, dynamic exhaust, tire dust in the field, einblendbarer gas station attendant. Price in Store: 68 400 € Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7afb1c9v716gai2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ufiwaj