Tag: Face
Turner Crown v 1.0

Credits: Modell: 818vario Textur: 818vario Scrips: Face, Giants, Sven777b Special Thanks: goevertclp und Chrüchix KroneSkin: Hexenmeister
Claas liner 330 S

Description Finaly i made this liner to Fs/Ls 2011 :) Pleas Unzip it. Credits Modell: steyr1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Herausgeber: SFM-Modding SKin: FRANK CADILLAC Convert By : Gold.2009
kuhn GMD 4010 V2 mod

Credits Modell: Steyr 1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: Mad Max Herausgeber: SFM-Modding ls ready. Martin97 (Brose) LBell: Uploader
Kuhn GA 431 GM
Description Have fun with it.. Credits Modell: steyr1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax
Schlüter Super Trac 3000
Modell: schlueterfan1977 Textur: schlueterfan1977 Ingame: schlueterfan1977 Scripts: modelleicher(RadsturzV2, Zylinder, realExhaustParticleSystem, realisticIndoorCam,visibilityByAttachedObject) Face(PowerShaft, OperatingHours, ESLimiter); Mythos(extraWeights); MR.X(gasLimiter) Sven777b(BelV3, toggleAnimatedParts) Sound: Balu
Claas Lexion 580 and 580TT v2.1 Pack
Modell/Textur: shangri66, Freddy, Bertbp1 Ingame: Psycho Dirt-Skin/Anpassungen/Feintuning: Mofa-Killer Script: Defender, Face, sven777b, Mofa-Killer Performance,Sound und 1zu1: Borsti1984
Credits: Modell: schlueterfan1977 Textur: schlueterfan1977 Ingame: schlueterfan1977 Scripts: modelleicher(RadsturzV2, Zylinder, realExhaustParticleSystem, realisticIndoorCam,visibilityByAttachedObject) Face(PowerShaft, OperatingHours, ESLimiter); Mythos(extraWeights); MR.X(gasLimiter) Sven777b(BelV3, toggleAnimatedParts) Sound: Toxic9377 Anbau Frontlader Sigma4: Ago-Systemtech Features: – Front u. Heckscheibe zum öffnen – Klappbare RUL – FH Arme klappbar – Blinker u. Warnblinker – paar Kleinigkeiten – Realistischer Radsturz – realistischer Auspuffqualm – realisticIndoorCam (beta) – ESLimiter, Powershaftattacher, Betriebsstundenzähler
Lely Lotus Stabilo
This is my edit of the Vicon Farex i have changed the paintwork and branding to make this into a Lely Lotus. I have tried to get this looking like the actual machine.Due to my lack of computer skills the in game wording still says vicon farex however i have managed to change the in store name to the correct name.If you are able to change the ingame wording please do so and reupload this would be much appreciated The in store price is $12000 Credits Modell: 818vario Textur: 818vario Scrips: Face, Giants, Sven777b Re-Edit: bertwrfc
Valtra 35, 45, 55, 65 and 75
Her you have a Valtra frontloader pack!! I have reskin the Q55 (Quicke35, 45, 55 65 and 75) Enjoy! PS unzip befor gameing! Credits Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Face LS11: hanslanzmanns Reskin: Mortenboy98