Tag: farm buildings
Farm Buildings

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British Map V2 (fixed)

Credits: -Village Houses and some farm buildings: LS_UK Modteam –Dealership: Andrew Stanford -Gateways: Deutz Fahr UK -Speed camera: willjsavage –Bale-pit: dodo27 –UK Baleshed: Farmerl, Dalaid -Double Bay Grainstore: jd8430t -Farmyard and Livestock objects: Deutz Fahr UK –NH TM190: john magne -KV CLC: Woppie -Potato Handling: LS–UK Modteam -Old tank: Willjsavage -Old wall: Willjsavage -Balestacks: emils96 -Pavillionodo27 -Machine Shed/Workshop:Axel_of_Sweden -ManureMod: Koper, hmcrE Download: http://ul.to/z285n1wg
Thanks to Axel_of_Sweden and Venom for fantastic farm buildings. countypower-hedge Milk Mod by Acert goldpower600-Roads GIANTS Download: http://ul.to/vtwpagab