Tag: farm
Inta Country V1
They are no moving cows as we wanted it to be a small map and we have no idea on re-sizing the cow zone unfortunately, this means no milk as well. But however it is Multi-player ready and Lag free even on the worst of connections. Sell grain at the unloading shed (Opposite the Store) Unload Grass/Chaff at either of the pits. Pick up manure at the heap. Load slurry in the larger bullocks shed (The one next to the fuel tank) Pick up Seed/Fertiliser at the entrance to the farm. Sell bales in the ring feeder in the field. ... Read more
holsty farm
tank=adrien12 weighstaion=eifok team hangerv2=duarn british shed pack=model farmer and andrew stanton british hay shed=farmer1 earnvale dealer=andrew stanton double bay shed=jd8430t and deutzuk multisilo=maca and defender Download: http://ul.to/94zltwnn
Dairy Air v1
This is the original map from LS2011 with a much better look & Fields, It’s mostly aimed at Dairy Farming, Producing milk, It has a small Dairy farm built around the cowzone, With some stadic Cows & Pigs, It’s a nice map, There’s 2 versions in the Zip one with the BGA from the DLC2 add-on, So you will need to have DLC2 or Platinum Edition to play, The other version has no DLC addons so will be fine for Download: http://ul.to/yntx0awv
Dairy farm map
nowo27 & stegmueller Download: http://ul.to/6v04eepf http://uploading.com/files/41m626m8/Milchbauermap.zip/
Nebraska Land
This is a Map that I make for the American Map Fans. It is a full size map cut up into 16 one mile by one mile sections. The sections are broken up into 40,60,80,160,320,and 640 acre patches. There is a classic Nebraska small farm and a Large Feedlot with large bin complex and feeding area. There is a large pasture with cows and two bale destroy triggers in the bale feeders. You can sell your cows using my modified milk mod at the sale barn in town. There is a Trucking company on the southwest corner of the map ... Read more
Clearview map swathable corn edit
Description: Features: -1 Farms -Port,Mill,Brew Have all been marked now. -Grain Storage Silos at Farm now Marked. -VERY Large feilds -Fertilizer,Seed,fuel -Grain drop off spot for storage at farm. -Baleshredder at farms. -has swathable corn Map- Damen Anderson Lamps- dodo27 Baleshredder- Forums Fuel Tank- Damen Anderson edit:me sivy and slopoke7166 Download: http://ul.to/hlqgw7eu http://uploading.com/files/f54444e8/ClearviewFarmV1.zip/
Polish Map
includes a farm, lots of meadows, BGA, additional planting, and other stuff by cayman Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137034143/9ae3597/cayman_mp.zip.html