Tag: Farmer
Multi-Fruit trailer

This is a nice Multi-Fruit trailer. This trailer have Bel.3.1 script, plane, is washable and has nice dust-tracks. Loadable Fruits are: Standard+ Chaff Grass Dung Sunflower Sugarbeet Potato Cotton Soybean Greenwheat Oat Rye Sand I’ve made completly new planes for load and discharge, and the trailer gets very, very dirty after a while. But no worry it’s washable ;-) The log is clean, except the showing of not existing fruits on your map, which is normal. Credits: Giants GeriG,Big Farmer Sven777b Bel 3.1 Modschmiede / LS-Modsource — @author Manuel Leithner washable LS.09- daniel11 + LS.11- mario666 Scripter Ifko..Dust mapsource Linky.skin,planes,washable,lights ... Read more
BMW M3 E92

This is a bmw for your farmer to ride in style in so enjoy it people. please do not upload anywhere without my permission. Credits: original made by :chrisp267 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?p7oxcfpb48sippc http://www.sendspace.com/file/65fnk2
Innis Muir Farm

Giants, LS–UK Modteam, FMC Modding, Farmer54, Vanilleeis, Discoade, Russ, farmercal96, FSGAXI, Melfoy, Andrew Stanford, Willjsavage, Olli, Dodo27, ThatKid-96, ar1g3, Claas Jaguar 890, Shy Rage, Wiliam. Download: http://ul.to/xg42x7lk https://rapidshare.com/files/103354958/InnisMuir.zip
Small farmers Map v 2.0
Hawaaa Desperados93 UnixRoot Slartibartfast Froggy Ka88 und alle die ich vergessen habe Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8i1i1bkb582r7z6 http://www.sendspace.com/file/jpwlej
Farmer Scins
Installation: unrar and copy files in “C:\Program Files\Farming Simulator 2011\data\character” with replacement. Credits: gigants skin jds bully Download: .rar
CP courses Farmer Dream 12 Mod for Farming Simulator 2011
Download: http://uploaded.to/file/5y536xul
Farming Simulator 2008 Map for 2011…Fixed a Few Bugs
Credits: Thank you Cadaver for the trigger pack I used. Thank you John Farmer for getting a cow meadow to work on this map. And thank you Giants for creating the original FS2008 map and vehicles. Download: http://ul.to/sra5w8ei http://uploading.com/files/5d41dd1b/LS08Map.zip/