Tag: farmerjoe
Deutz FL DX145mit v 2.0

Umbau:IV IH Grundmodel:balu,dorsy und tommy Odometer Script: Farmerjoe Allrad: Case_IH_MxU135 Greenstargrundmodel: Alex2009 FL: Da_Deitzfan Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bz4c882dw0immm5 http://www.sendspace.com/file/xo7idm
Deutz FL DX145mit v 1.0 Beta

Umbau:IV IH Grundmodel:balu,dorsy und tommy Odometer Script: Farmerjoe Allrad: Case_IH_MxU135 Greenstargrundmodel: Alex2009 FL: Bigfarmer145 Maki Face hanslanzmanns Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?70gon0e15pnlzgd http://www.sendspace.com/file/janmk7
CaseCHX 520 Green edition reflective

Reskin & reflective skin by farmerjoe Case CHX 520 Model, textur: Matliik In game: Martin94 Case Pick UP 300 Model, textur: Matliik In game: Martin94 Case 6000 Original model + Easycollect 7500| Conversion to Easycollect 6000 Modell : Giants Software , MF390 / Psyko , Noppi Textur : Giants Software , MF390 / Noppi Ingame : Mr.F , Heady / Noppi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137841995/d6fc361/case_chx_520_green_pack.rar.html
New Holland TS 135A new edit with reflective skin

Orginal edit by: Kaziu1551 and Kara$ New edit by: ErikDK Modding New design and textures by: ErikDK Modding Frontloader by: Bigfarmer145 Reflective skin: farmerjoe Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137727434/57b6845/NewHollandTS135.zip.html