Tag: Farmerl
Irish Farm

Buildings-modteam Objects and gates- Deutz fahr UK Small clamp-griffydam Silage pit-Maca Hedge-countypower Hay shed-Farmerl Triggers-cadaveruk Please pm me if I have forgot anybody Download: http://ul.to/43k2wlh3
Springfield Farm V3

BarnXXL: massey MAN23 Multisilo script: Maca Silage Clamps: dodo27 Generic Farm Yard accessories: Sandgroper 21m Woodbridge: Sandgroper Dairy Cattle Shed:mf6160 Opico Grain Dryer:mf6160 British hay/straw shed: Farmerl Yard objects pack: Deutz Fahr UK Roads: Johndeere6800 Stonewall:VehicleVideos FarmAnimals V1.0: NewManLS Livestock equipment Pack 1: Deutz Fahr UK Roads: maciusboss1 Reskin houses: ar1g3 Download: http://ul.to/v7g1rzvd
Meadow Farm Revisited

Big thanks to geertyb0y for testing Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Clutter / Water mods: sandgroper Yard Building Kit: milk mod by Acert Lmanuremod: Janlandby, Acert Grain Unloading ramps and cattle grid: willjsavage Spot lights: Showgunn84 Cow shed: model-wiliam 7530/deutz fahr uk Silage Pit V2: ... Read more
Frisky\’s Farm V5
New Farmhouse Cytrus & Jincheng Power poles Cables dodo27 British Hay/StrawshedModel: Farmerl Texture: Farmerl Ingame: Farmerl Thanks goes out to the modders who put there work together so that i could incorporate within this map there mods, all the mods are downloadable from the downloads section here on LS-UK If there are any modders that i have missed out i am sorry, please mention here and take the credit Download: http://ul.to/8u0f0g72
Friskys Farm (Growth Time change)
New Farmhouse Cytrus & Jincheng Power poles Cables dodo27 British Hay/StrawshedModel: Farmerl Texture: Farmerl Ingame: Farmerl Thanks goes out to the modders who put there work together so that i could incorporate within this map there mods, all the mods are downloadable from the downloads section here on LS-UK If there are any modders that i have missed out i am sorry, please mention here and take the credit Download: http://ul.to/0v92o2u9
Base map: Giants, Ace-uk. some signs: Geertyb0y Root belt: bennieboy53 cattle grid/water tank: willjsavage Bale Shed/textures: Farmerl, Dalaid earnvale tractors: andrew stanford weighstation: Psyco cow shed, small bale shed, potato box, feed ring: Deutz Fahr UK manure pipe: Axel_of_Sweden trees: Vanilleeis Bridge: Tonio87 clutter/fencing: Sandgroper houses: dodo27, duarn, ar1g3, Janhenrik map objects: fsgaxi, Me Some buildings: Griffydam Double store: jd8430t Feed barrier: damo shop: wizznall trees: Vanilleeis shredder/loading pit/storage sheds: Discoade Grass textures: polishmods Many thanks to anyone ive missed. Let me know and i’ll add your name. Download: http://ul.to/u0y6mymg
Churn Farm – Final Edition
Credits Yard objects- Deutz Fahr UK Dairy Cattle Shed-mf6160 Farm Yard accessories/Clutter-Sandgroper British hay/straw shed-Farmerl Corrugated General store sheds-jd8430t-Deutz Fahr UK JD Dealership-troll711 Speed camera-Willjsavage Low poly trees-Vanilleeis new fruits for fs 2011-dodo27 LS-UK Mod Team Maize in rows V2 by Dad0 CountyPower Jamesyy olli Russ Giants Maxter Shed by Andrew Liamnh8560 JD6410 Sprengi triggers-cadaver uk Electric poles–? Dung misthaufen-?? liquidManuretube:–ghost1??: Axel_of_Sweden?? added triggers by janlandby. Pda Mod-apuehri (“newpda”/”PDA_Mod”) & WeeRuz CLAAS Lexion 770TT Pack (MP)- Credits: Ingame,script- Defender Modells: Claas Lexion 770-Shangri66 Claas header trailer-Maurermatze Claas Vario 1200- Maurermatze Sodimac Keral 1610- 3D: Fendt-du-50 Script: Sagona01 & TSF3M Dangreville-Mat ... Read more
Friskys Farm (Growth Time change) v 3
This is the original map, only with new textures, new growth times, bale pits, and boundry fences and some larger fields. Credits: New Farmhouse Cytrus & Jincheng Power poles Cables dodo27 British Hay/StrawshedModel: Farmerl Texture: Farmerl Ingame: Farmerl Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127711515/c3bad76/FriskFarmGR.zip.html
Swift Valley Farm
Swift Valley farm is set in the river Swift valley in the English Midlands. Its a small to medium sized map with single player and courseplay in mind. There are two farms, the main farm with a dairy farm to the rear. There is a BGA at the dairy farm with a bale shredder, bale and machinery storage. The main farm has fruit silos and machinery storage. There are 3 sell points, a brewery a mill and a food packing plant. Fruits are Wheat, Barley, Corn, OSR, Carrot, potato, Sugarbeet, Peas, Oats, Soybean Greenwheat Sunflower and Cotton. All the fields ... Read more
West cork farm
Credits: Buildings- LS–UK Modteam Objects and gates– Deutz fahr UK Small clamp–griffydam Silage pit-Maca Hedge-countypower Hay shed-Farmerl Triggers-cadaveruk slurry pit v2 : farmer54- ar1g3 jama: maca swedish fences : ceema watermud: fendtmeister road peices: sniper214 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126890415/b543bbd/West_Cork_Farms.zip.html