Tag: Farming Simulator
Plateau de transport Dolly

Farming Simulator 2011 Plateau de transport Dolly mod download Transportez votre mat Download Plateau de transport Dolly for farming simulator 2011 Download: http://ul.to/9fy4cyk2
Canadien Frontal

Farming Simulator 2011 Canadien Frontal mod download Credits: 3D : Choco Script : Giorgio Download Canadien Frontal for farming simulator 2011 Download: http://ul.to/2fskbiif
Krone Combi Pack

Farming Simulator 2011 Krone Combi Pack mod download Description: Model: LS09 ? Texture edit: TheJussi Ingame: TheJussi Script: JoXXer, Tiger (KroneComprima V180 AutoWrap) Download Krone Combi Pack for farming simulator 2011 Download: http://ul.to/wudnwaz5
GAZ 52
Farming Simulator 2011 GAZ 52 mod download Credits: 3D Models Textures: Du-mont DUFATA Ingame: Zombi88888 Download GAZ 52 for farming simulator 2011 Downlaod: http://ul.to/yuxtyczm
Kire S 12
Farming Simulator 2011 Kire S 12 mod download Credits: Modell: Nappo Textur: Nappo Script: Outlaw Download Kire S 12 for farming simulator 2011 http://ul.to/v8k1b5rs
Farming Simulator 2008 Map for 2011…Fixed a Few Bugs
Credits: Thank you Cadaver for the trigger pack I used. Thank you John Farmer for getting a cow meadow to work on this map. And thank you Giants for creating the original FS2008 map and vehicles. Download: http://ul.to/sra5w8ei http://uploading.com/files/5d41dd1b/LS08Map.zip/
Landlust Mod for Farming Simulator 2011
Bauer Fritz, Splines by Deere 6800 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137841411/5405f5a/LL_v1_DLC.zip.html
Paraná Map v2
Finally released the most anticipated map to Farming Simulator! Add new soil textures; Finance New Headquarters; Add the dairy Frimesa (the truck will not get the milk); New shop implements, with greater output; widened roads; the map has doubled in size; crops, only soybeans (canola), rice (barley), wheat and corn, with a new texture; 2 outlets, Coamo and C. Vale; among several new! Download: http://ul.to/bay66bcb
Cleaner Skin for the Warehouses
Description: Here’s a Cleaner skin for the LS 11 warehouses for you! Pictures: Installation: Unpack the Zip Archiv and put the dds file (warehouse_diffuse.dds)in the folder Farming–Simulator 2011/data/maps/models/buildings/warehouse. Replace it. Have fun:-P Credits: Skinner: Basti97 Download: Cleaner Skin for the Warehouses [Hotfile.com] Download: Cleaner Skin for the Warehouses [Uploading.com]