Tag: FazendeiroBR
Scania 111 S

Description Tuck by edit: Jader Multigrais Excellent truck to transport grain from his farm to his seat or port. Credits Model/Sound/Script by: FazendeiroBR, Jader Versão 2.0 Textures: Jader Edit: Jader
Mercedes Benz Axor 2544 + RandonTipper

Model: FazendeiroBR Scripts+Translation: Bl4Drzz Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3n7nhc534ej76zk http://www.sendspace.com/file/vyp5pn
New Holland TC57 v 2

Modelo:Knagsted and FazendeiroBR Textures: FazendeiroBR Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?83do494lf78chqw http://www.sendspace.com/file/5ep0xa
Massey Ferguson 5650

MF5650 Model: John Anthony and Ataynã Textures: John Anthony Scripts and Sounds: FazendeiroBR Plataforma Powerflex Model: Gaxi Editions: John Anthony Download: http://ul.to/z5ou63f7 http://uploading.com/files/5119m473/Massey_Ferguson_5650_Pack.zip/
CBT 2105 FL
Modell CBT 2105_FL: Formula_1 Scritp, Terturas: Formula_1 Modelo Base: CBT 2105 feito por Filipe Ricardo e FazendeiroBR Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134982816/1857055/CBT_2105_FL.zip.html
Pack: 2 Trailers fruit=wheat barley rape maize silage grass dryGrass sugarbeet carrot potato sunflower maize2 spinat oat mohn betterave karotte sand rotkohl blumkohl soybean pea weisskohl gelbbo gruenbo rice erbse wirsingkohl luzerne nad sugarcane greewheat Models/Scripts/Textura/Som: Formula_1 Thaks: FazendeiroBR, Sandro Download:
Scania 113H Top-Line
Modelo/Scripts/Som: FazendeiroBR Agradecimentos: LeonardoLS, NEE, Amigos e comunidade FSBR. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129552144/dbcd018/Scania_113H_TopLine.zip.html
NH TC5 pack descompacte
Credits: Model: R3ggo111 and FazendeiroBR Textures: FazendeiroBR www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127075734/2326f20/NH_TC57_pack_descompacte.rar.html
Carreto RAND Branco e Azul
Credits: Carreta Random Modelo: FazendeiroBR Scripts: FazendeiroBR Capacidade: 120000 www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126610016/e916ed9/carreta_randon_branco_azul.zip.html
Credits: Modelo: Bedaxa and FazendeiroBR Duplagens:HarrenFs/Modelo Edit :harren Blog: www.farmingsimulador2011.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125857087/4e64c0f/NHTC57.zip.html