Trioliet Solomix3 3000 mod
Description A rebuilt version of the Trioliet 2 making it into a Trioliet 3-3000 New Features: Enlarged the body Tandem axle Capacity as per the prototype – 9900kg Rear View Camera added (decoration) Converter...
Description A rebuilt version of the Trioliet 2 making it into a Trioliet 3-3000 New Features: Enlarged the body Tandem axle Capacity as per the prototype – 9900kg Rear View Camera added (decoration) Converter...
Features: High definition textures A lot of details 100% LOW suitable PC (thanks Clip Distance) lanes Very many fenced areas ditches realistic sky Josera Kraftfuttermod V3 Stables are gated with mixer Bales of hay...
There are also: –cow -Manure v2 -Straw modv2 -mod-feeding cows –BGA –traffic -weeds Skins-new crop -prolonged increase in cereal -Door opening”for” multi–silo – I3d. about 13MB BGA on the map is Download: ...
-Map is for new fields, BGA, and goes through the forest road. -Logs in the woods is what you can gather, gravel pits Siel is only decorative. -Grain filling and spraying of filling seats...
Slurry Store: Slartibartfast & William 7530 Sheds: LS-UK Modteam Hedges: Countypower Gates and Feeding Throughs: Deutz fahr UK Download:
This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy...
Description: This is feeding wagon to feed your cows. Credits: Modell: Hurley Script: @poc@lypse Convert LS11 Script: Schlosserhansel Reskin: B4U3R Download: