Tag: feeding
Trioliet Solomix3 3000 mod

Description A rebuilt version of the Trioliet 2 making it into a Trioliet 3-3000 New Features: Enlarged the body Tandem axle Capacity as per the prototype – 9900kg Rear View Camera added (decoration) Converter script for Grass / Chaff built-in Suitable for feeding the original feeding trough or in barns with the corresponding trigger. Originally posted by Dessileuse Triolet Modle: Hurley Script: @ poc @ lypse Thanks to \”Klaus Klausen\” for allowing me to upload this mod. Credits – Original model – Dessileuse Trioliet Modle: Hurley Script: @ poc @ lypse – Conversion script – Schlosser Hansel

And finally MountainHome v1.1 has arrived. A lot of work was done. All of textures were changed and the Silage silos were fixed. I have added parallax map to some objects and trees so they look better. Also i have added some cows in the stall and also they can be feeded with that feeding mod. I have deleted much of the objects because they were to high polyed so it was laggy, now the i3d file is around 18,7 mb. Terrain textures were changed with better one and also field textures were changed and they have new normal maps ... Read more
Livestock Feeding Mod

Kverneland KD710 Features – Accepts silage (dlc2), grass, maize, grains, sugarbeet, potatoes as well as all types of bales – Outputs crop as grass or maize – Fully multiplayer compatible and works with or without DLC2 Marshall Feed Trailer, Ring Feeder, Big Bale Feeder Features – Accepts all types of bales – The contents slowly disappear over time – the more cows you have the faster it disappears Joskin Water Bowser Features – Works in DLC3 as a water bowser for the greenhouses – Works without DLC3 as a water bowser for your cows – the water level slowly drops ... Read more
Südpfalzmap – High Definition v 1 [HD] MP
Features: High definition textures A lot of details 100% LOW suitable PC (thanks Clip Distance) lanes Very many fenced areas ditches realistic sky Josera Kraftfuttermod V3 Stables are gated with mixer Bales of hay in the barn and on pasture feeding Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/GuJaNAjDYT/Südpfalz_Entpacken.zip http://fiberupload.com/1el3bvvvo99c/Südpfalz_Entpacken.zip
On this map, they have a medium sized farm in the grain storage is also available. To remove this Getdreide may need a shovel to load grain. They have another small plot of land with barn feeding (cows are not in the barn but on ener pasture) and corn and Grassilo for the cows. They also have a small but fine BGA. What has changed: – Landscape – Court – Kuhhof – Added Bga Download: http://ul.to/lzzxpdpe http://depositfiles.com/files/rhojdnipz
There are also: –cow -Manure v2 -Straw modv2 -mod-feeding cows –BGA –traffic -weeds Skins-new crop -prolonged increase in cereal -Door opening”for” multi–silo – I3d. about 13MB BGA on the map is Download: http://ul.to/5h3jq1iw http://www.filesonic.com/file/krCMX9N/KostrzycePlMap_by_maniek19994_wypakuj.zip
Korpilandia V1.1
-Map is for new fields, BGA, and goes through the forest road. -Logs in the woods is what you can gather, gravel pits Siel is only decorative. -Grain filling and spraying of filling seats in three different places: the farm, the dairy in the backyard and Konekesko a small yard. -Abc to fill up. -Barn can drive BGA silo feeding, although the mixers. -Bale sale barns can be found in three pieces, they are located in the farm, a dairy in the backyard, and between 20 to 19 fields. -Sales can be found in cereal fields, between 22-23 RAISIO. -Milk ... Read more
The Rolling Hills Of Ballymena
Slurry Store: Slartibartfast & William 7530 Sheds: LS-UK Modteam Hedges: Countypower Gates and Feeding Throughs: Deutz fahr UK Download: http://ul.to/keskhdcr
Rocky Mountain farming Map
This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy farm has a place for silage as well as grass at the feeding trough. There are 5 sell points, 1 behind the store in town,1 at the mill by the pond, 1 at the brewery, 1 at the piling station for sugar beets and potatos, and the other is at Pioneer Seed. You can sell your bailes at Pioneer Seed or there is a bail destroyer ... Read more
Trioliet with Silo to Chaff/Grass function
Description: This is feeding wagon to feed your cows. Credits: Modell: Hurley Script: @poc@lypse Convert LS11 Script: Schlosserhansel Reskin: B4U3R Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129758363/73c92d6/Trioliet.zip.html