Tag: fences
Ledgeview Dairy Farm

Welcome to Ledgeview Farm, a small dairy farm in scenic Maine, USA. This map is based on small-scale dairy farming, and most of the fields are small-medium sized: hay, corn and pastures for the dairy farms. There are 2 small dairy farms and you can feed your cows with the BGA silo and feed bunks at the main farm using a feed mixer. You can sell your milk at the H. P. Hood plant in the southwest corner of the map. You can sell grain at the co-op to the south or the feed mill in the west. Fruits: Wheat, ... Read more
Blackcrow Farm

BGA scripts Heady Mr “F” For map objects Tobsel88 for the tree’s Fatian for the roads Nikl for the fert barn Luis for the grass texture LS–UK modteam for the use of their Buildings Spider for the hedges HeadshotXXL/Burner for the weed mod Koper/HmcrE for the Liquid manure and solid manure mod Imarvin for the gate pfreek for many detail‘s such as signs/fences etc.. Nico/Lip4 for the cow/grain barns D4rkfr34k for the grain sell point barn Desperados93 for his edited scripts for the liquid and solid manure mod LS–UK Modteam for their edit of the alternativetipping And last but not ... Read more

This is built from the original map, only with new textures, new growth times, bale pits, and boundry fences and some larger fields. Entry to the farm is via a set of gates (Main entrance, there are others) you must open these to let the milk tanker in!… Download: http://ul.to/2r8nb77z http://www.filesonic.com/file/hquRza8/UnzipMe.zip
Dobrogea Map
BarnXXl-Zippo UnterStand-Zippo Houses,YardObjects,Train,Fences-Giants Dealer- hinrich0815 Shelters-Trixi Simple streets-Giants with Glockshut texture Aldi(Ecodobrogea)-Zeromatick Bga-seeandrax Bridges,StreetLights-johnnyB Windturbines-Seeandrax Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134871115/7d2b220/Dobrogea.zip.html
Friskys Farm (Growth Time change) v 3
This is the original map, only with new textures, new growth times, bale pits, and boundry fences and some larger fields. Credits: New Farmhouse Cytrus & Jincheng Power poles Cables dodo27 British Hay/StrawshedModel: Farmerl Texture: Farmerl Ingame: Farmerl Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127711515/c3bad76/FriskFarmGR.zip.html
West cork farm
Credits: Buildings- LS–UK Modteam Objects and gates– Deutz fahr UK Small clamp–griffydam Silage pit-Maca Hedge-countypower Hay shed-Farmerl Triggers-cadaveruk slurry pit v2 : farmer54- ar1g3 jama: maca swedish fences : ceema watermud: fendtmeister road peices: sniper214 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126890415/b543bbd/West_Cork_Farms.zip.html