Credits: Modell: schlueterfan1977 Textur: schlueterfan1977 Ingame: schlueterfan1977 Scripts: modelleicher(RadsturzV2, Zylinder, realExhaustParticleSystem, realisticIndoorCam,visibilityByAttachedObject) Face(PowerShaft, OperatingHours, ESLimiter); Mythos(extraWeights); MR.X(gasLimiter) Sven777b(BelV3, toggleAnimatedParts) Sound: Toxic9377 Anbau Frontlader Sigma4: Ago-Systemtech Features: – Front u. Heckscheibe zum öffnen – Klappbare RUL – FH Arme klappbar – Blinker u. Warnblinker – paar Kleinigkeiten – Realistischer Radsturz – realistischer Auspuffqualm – realisticIndoorCam (beta) – ESLimiter, Powershaftattacher, Betriebsstundenzähler
Here,s the Fendt ive been working on it has the following specializations ES limiter Lightscript v3.1 DynamicExhaustingSystem hydraulicAnimations realisticIndoorCam zylinder Double wheels front activate with 5 Double wheels back activate with 6 Ao Texture A good old Fendt 311 sound Front and back hydraulics PTO attacher Have fun with it cheers Bjorny Credits Scripts:Sven777b,SFM-Modding,modelleicher Wheels:Bullet
Fendt Flex-Weight
Fendt Flex-Weight As much traction as possible, as little weight as you need! The new FLEX WEIGHT Variable front weight is in the area of ??front weights for tractors in a class by itself. Thanks to its innovative design, you can use it to the front axle ballasting increase depending on the requirements, without changing the basic weight of the front weight. CLAAS FLEX WEIGHT is used on most tractors. Price in shop: 3795 Special thanks to Kleener-Putzi for the approval! Credits Urmodder aus LS09: Kleener-Putzi Ingame Ls2011: Kyosho’s Modfactory Umbau/Updates: Kyosho’s Modfactory
Fendt 722 With Front Loader Edited By Mark99d
This is a Fendt 722 With front loader, Front Lift arms,front PTO, etc…you can also turn on all lights from inside the tractor.you can open some windows aswell.The only changes i made were 1. stiffened cab suspension due to so bouncy 2. Less fuel due to such large amount 3. More fuel consumption 4. Fixed front lift arm bug 5. Changed becons speed Credits SamN (owner of this mod) Mark99d (Editier of this mod)