Tag: ferguson
Massey ferguson 660

this massey ferguson have manual gear, worklights and info hud inside the game. Press enter or 0 to remove the info hud or the gear hud.
Massey Ferguson 7480

Model: Solanz Script:Jamesyy & DaveDB Tester: Mcgill2009 V2: Jumpstyler New: Jelle MF Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?w45vg9h5cr4jvqe http://www.sendspace.com/file/k2o0yb
Massey ferguson 6170
This is the massey ferguson from the modcontest all i have done is scaled it 1:1 and changed the numbers on the side. I hope to do a better version which will hopefuly include the following: passenger seat mod front loader new tires to go up through dynashift gears (abcd) you press left mouse and to come back down you press right mouse and to go through your standard gears you press home and to come back down in gears you press end. Credits: original- Mat du 55 / Mathieu Robinet edit- brian Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?has8foi27pos872 http://www.sendspace.com/file/9nahdn
Massey Ferguson 5455
Description: Tractor Credits: Model: Solanz Script: Jamesyy & DaveDB Tester: Mcgill2009 Edit: 99ghost99 (fest und fügte hinzu, Frontscheinwerfer Hydraulik) (SRS2012) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?94w7kopyutl364p http://hotfile.com/dl/135799274/62eda5e/MF5455_v2.zip.html
Massey Ferguson 9895 Fortia Pack
Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/133345599/403d141/MF-pack-V-3.1-entpacken.zip.html
massey ferguson 9895
Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/133345490/b351673/MF_9895_AutoContou_Pack_washable.zip.html
Massey Ferguson 8947
Ignition Key KP Enter Change Wheel Key “U” Price in shop 18500 Modell: Nickel77 Textur: Nickel77 Script: Headshot XXL & Gorli & GuimChevalier & Jerome-57 Umbau LS11: Manson Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129704577/20e1f67/Massey_Ferguson_8947.zip.html
Massey Ferguson 1400 Cougar
Modell: Geri-G Textur: Geri-G NewSkin:Checker507 NewSound:Checker507 rcboy121 Script: Outlaw LS11 ready: Chan Fixes: Zeph Umbau Manson Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129704188/7568220/MFCougar1400.zip.html