Tag: fiat
Fiat 90 DT

this is a fiat that i uploaded from another site for farming simulator 2011 it featurs -switchable front weights -relistic exhaust smoke -animated rear hydraulics -relistic camber -relestic indor cam(beta) -upper arm appears out if nothing is attached -turn signals,lights work -eslimiter -throttle limiter-real life sound thanxs for downloading this mod Credits original:chrisp umbaui:schluetefan1977 ingame:schluetefan1977 scripts:(model)eicher,real exaust partical systems for fiat(mythos extra weights(MR.X)gaslimiter sound: toxic9377
Maschio Bisonte 280

Modell: FendtFarmer Textur: daniel11 Ingame: AndyW / Fiat80-90DT Script: Giants / Sven777b / Fiat80-90DT / Face
Fiat Reskinned To New Holland (Green)

3D : Opelman Script : Leny Added New Wheel: *Simpan* Reskinned:*Simpan*
Fieldstar OL 50 v 1.1
UrModell: Kevin353, net.NEO UrSkin: net.NEO Ur-Ingame, UrScript: hz888, Tibcsi Partikel der neuen Füchte: dodo27 LockSteeringaxles Script: FIAT80-90DT Sämtliche Änderungen, sowie alle Fruchtplanen der neuen Früchte: Chefkoch Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9s14ct6cq2imb68 http://www.sendspace.com/file/emhdc9
Ultra 2 Power Shovel FIAT HITACHI FH200 Heavy transport platform Mod
Download: http://ul.to/64ojrjip http://uploading.com/files/121d1f53/FH200_JSM2012.zip/
Ultra 2 Power Shovel FIAT HITACHI FH200 Heavy transport platform
Download: http://ul.to/7wm8rzwn http://uploading.com/files/75235dmd/FH200_JSM2012.zip/