Tag: Fields
New texture for Plowed Fields

There is a Readme which explains this in better detail.Basically it replaces the textures for plowed fields. Credits Sheep98
Cows and Fields Vehicle Package v 1.1

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?d7pi7uxycsffys8 http://www.sendspace.com/file/r7fjrt
My Edit of Medium Farming Map V2
First of all sorry for my bad english. With Sivy’s permision I edited Medium Farming Map W/DLC 2 Biogas V2. This is first my try to edit something, so don’t punish me very much Changelog: Added milk mod Farm is completely changed Fields and crops left the same There is no starting equipment and machinery, but in pack I added 1000,000 money mod There is also BGA left. Removed trees for better clear view. Write your coments and tell me what do you think about it. Download: http://ul.to/5n6zatzt
Cows and Fields
Download: http://ul.to/c7n7ipen http://uploading.com/files/82am3325/CowsAndFields.zip/
Dairy Air v1
This is the original map from LS2011 with a much better look & Fields, It’s mostly aimed at Dairy Farming, Producing milk, It has a small Dairy farm built around the cowzone, With some stadic Cows & Pigs, It’s a nice map, There’s 2 versions in the Zip one with the BGA from the DLC2 add-on, So you will need to have DLC2 or Platinum Edition to play, The other version has no DLC addons so will be fine for Download: http://ul.to/yntx0awv
Credits: original: Models and Fields: Bigfarmer145 Organization and Design: Sevorane edit: Sjoerd, Josty & WackOo for editing the folder, and ideas. FS-C.nl members for submitting ideas. DLC2 Edit: Robie. Download: http://ul.to/f6m8sxzh
original: Models and Fields: Bigfarmer145 Organization and Design: Sevorane edit: Sjoerd, Josty & WackOo for editing the folder, and ideas. FS-C.nl members for submitting ideas. DLC2 Edit: Robie. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136209219/6777ae1/ModsourceMapfinal5_DLC2.zip.html