Tag: File
Grass Texture v 1.1 by ZG Team

Description This is Grass foliage texture Made for Farming Simulator 2013 game. To use this texture just copy content of Texture File folder into texture / foliage folder of your map mod. For even better result, try to change “numBlocksPerUnit” (in FoliageSubLayer name = “grass” located in your maps i3d file -.> Open with notepad) line, value to 2nd Credits: kirezagar, ZG Team
Hay barn

The hay shed, just like in Soviet times Latvia. You can drive in with tractor, Harvesters and truck. This building ir big so you can put there Implements and Tools. This building is big, so you can put down there Implements and Tools. Download this hay shed, and enjoy. Please DO NOT COPY THE FILE AND PUT OTHER SITES. Credits Credit BY MTZJanka
Deutz Fahr Topliner 4080 HTS Balance 4,8 u. 6,3 Schneidwerk
[gallery link=”file”] Credits: – Modell: Urmodell: LordNyax Umbau: schlueterfan1977 – Ingame: schlueterfan1977 – Scripts: modelleicher (Hangmodus) Sven777b(belV3, toggleAnimatedParts) Face(OperatingHours, ESLimiter, Powershaft, ThreshingCounter) Templaer/gotchTM(strawSpec) MxY.rlp(Schneidwerkswagen) Features: – Hecktarzähler – Betriebsstundenzähler – ESLimiter – Diverse Animierte Teile – Umschalten zwischen Strohhäckseln/Schwad – Hangmodus (Drescher balanciert sich bis zu einem gewissen Grad aus) – 1:1 – voll MP ready – 4,80m Schneidwerk und 6,30m Schneidwerk inkl. Schneidwerkswagen
Amazone ZA-M 1500
[gallery link=”file”] Credits & Danksagung Amazone ZA-M 1500 Modell: bahoo222 Textur: 1300_Turbo, Landwirt 12 Ingame: 1300_Turbo, kleinefarm Scripte: Sven777b Funktionsliste Amazone ZA-M 1500 – STVO Beleuchtung – Staub beim streuen – Plane zum öffnen (Taste x)
GIRTEKA Volvo FH12&Schmitz S.K.O,Schmitz
[gallery link=”file”] Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9n492f5q46n1wz2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/63m5lt
Renault Magnum “Night Express”
[gallery link=”file”] Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?hnh222388a24akw http://www.sendspace.com/file/24oonh
700kg Frontgewicht
[gallery link=”file”] Modell: Gefd25 Textur: Gefd25 Ingame: Gefd25 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ululk14c054n8xo http://www.sendspace.com/file/b20p5o