Tag: Fire
Brent Avalanche 1594 v 2.0

V2 changes: Maintenance costs in the shop added (cost per day amount to 85 €) Fire in the store added Füllmeng-45m ³ changed Price Increases it to € 72.500 Fixed Nichtmitlaufenderäder
FFKubotas FeuerwehrMap

So there are a lot of people are upset that I never got pictures and a description I do now easy. In V5.0, the following things are included. A Large Fire Department A major fire (farm) A house fire (village) There were SECURITY Fix: The texture of the fire bug The texture error of the Fire Department Download: http://ul.to/3y9fqiwy http://www.fileserving.com/files/XNRVdFh6Ed/FeuerMapVonFFKubota.zip
Fire Department lobster
Couldman MarcoThommy DieDemoTester Download: http://ul.to/ciwnyuxj http://freakshare.com/files/oppgk0kw/hummer_v2.zip.html
John Deere 7810 EDIT
Star Fire ITC inside wide excess plates Bigger weight Compressor Radio antenna New realistic sound Download: http://ul.to/vvgre4x8
Fire Department-trailers
Modder: Unbekannt (Lieber Modder solltest du deinen Mod erkennen bitte melde dich!) Edit: hz888 Skinn: King-Vario-Style ft. Black-Fox Download: http://ul.to/2zuoja6g
Mercedes-Econic Fire-Truck
Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/58uxuh http://www.mediafire.com/?1853rserk2abfft http://hotfile.com/dl/138445035/0e24ed5/Mercedes-Econic_Fire-Truck_by_Marsupi-v1.0.rar.html