Tag: Fixes
TrafficColliFix v 1.0 Beta

Fixes the bug that deleted AI Traffic Vehicle not be removed from the Collisions counter. The helpers are simply no longer remain after a car was in the way and it was deleted from Ls, but make their work as normal. The funktionirt not only the workers but also with normal Curse Play. No installation needed with GE and must not be bought. The TrafficColliFix.zip just copy the modfolder.
Stable and BGA for Riversidemap V2

After a lot of people wanted to like to use the stall next to a BGA on the map of Riverside Profarm, and I wanted the barn anyway überarbeutet again, I am endschlossen to add another BGA. This is her in the village from the dealer. In addition, two more were built for high pressure Abladepunkte bundles (see pictures). This can not square or round bales are unloaded / sold! At the barn can be fed corn and grass, which is then written in the PDA well. Barley can be stored at the stable ebenfals and removed (SHOT). Manure and ... Read more
AW 10 Ton Trailer

Here is a 10 ton monocoque AW trailer. It includes: Fully Functional Lights Hydraulic Tipping Standard Hydraulic Tailboard Tweaked Specifications Detailed Model Realistic Scale It accepts: Maize, Wheat, Barely, Dung, Canola Capacity: 11,500 Thanks for downloading/looking! Credits: Model/In Game/Texture – SAR-michael Bug Fixes – Julian11AGI/SAR-michael Testers – Wiliam/FarmerMark96/Andy/Matt390t
Claas Cougar 1400 v 2.1 Beta Version
Modell & Textur: Geri G (aus LS09) NewSound & NewSkin: oberdepp Script: Outlaw LS11 ready: Chan Fixes: oberdepp Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?p196oay964arwc7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/plgcfn
GTS Mega Trailerpack
Credits: stalker45 Kodiak982 EED123 Igor Samson D-Tec Flexitrailer by Igor Reefercontainer by Holli, Samson, Kamaz Tankcontainer by Samson Container by Tony1971 Wheel Chocks by Loogie Skins and Textures by pauli Rearlight Texture by Le Crossmen Luftbalge, Chassis Mapping, Fixes, Convertion & Wheels by Ventures87 Quentin Anaheim Trucker92 Notic4eva Download: http://ul.to/xi0etcv0 http://freakshare.com/files/soao2pq1/GTS-Trailerpack.rar.html
Bizon Z083 giant
Kombajn zbozowy Bizon Gigant Z083 Model: Perkins Ingame: Majster Script & Fixes: Burner Zespó? ?niwny do kombajnu Bizon Gigant Z083 Model: Perkins Ingame: Burner 6-rzedowa przystawka FKA 6023SA do zbioru kukurydzy Model: Perkins Ingame: Burner Wózek do transportu zespo?u ?niwnego Bizon Gigant Z083 Model: Perkins Ingame: Burner DOWNLOAD http://uploading.com/files/mba4af1e/Bizon%2BZ083%2BOPEN.rar/ http://uploaded.to/file/k85207y2
Meadow Farm
Map edit: Discoade Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. Multi Silo. model: Maca, script: Defender store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Download: http://ul.to/22c3dd7w
Massey Ferguson 1400 Cougar
Modell: Geri-G Textur: Geri-G NewSkin:Checker507 NewSound:Checker507 rcboy121 Script: Outlaw LS11 ready: Chan Fixes: Zeph Umbau Manson Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129704188/7568220/MFCougar1400.zip.html
Seaview Farm
Credits Thanks to Colin , Pete, Shane and kiaren for testing and multiplayer testing. Dairy Cattle Shed Credits: Hayshed and bales by Sandgroper Model: mf6160 Texture: mf6160 In Game: Deutz Fahr UK British corrougated double-bay Potato/Grain/General store shed Credits: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK 12 foot gate and fence Deutz Fahr UK Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123811130/a8b7791/seaview.zip.html