Tag: fmc
Banjo Farms

FMC – Freelance Modding Crew for their gates, great job on those ya’ll. FMC for the MultiFruitLayer Installer, sure makes it faster to put trees on the map FMC for the Parsnip, makes it easy to change things around. triggers by Cadaver (uk) thank these sure make it easy for somebody like me to make a map. bale destroyer trigger i forgot where i got it, but thanks. Bociek & the PolishMods team pretty sure i used some of there textures. GhillieSniper for the HD Terrain textures V2 Burner for the weed mod New Plowing Texture by Melfoy seeding texture ... Read more
New Grange Farm

Credits: Heady FMC modding Ls-uk Modteam russ deutz fahr uk caverak uk farmercal96 johan 12 willjsavage andrew stanford NewManLS bjorny i think that is all the credits. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?xq5d6jtlxxo2bq1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/pk794t
Lieto Reborn Edit of Moottoriten Varrella

Mattimies_, Solanz, FMC, Venom, DaleC, mrTeema, Peelo, GIANtS Software, Fatian, Maxter, Karttur, iAxel_of_Sweden. Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6dfdxg
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only FIXED 2
FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: roof Killer , Model: ... Read more
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only
FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures and the Alternative tipping. Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: ... Read more
Wester Seat Farm Otter Farm
Well this is my first edit of a map so be nice please. This is my edit of Otter Farm which was originaly made by Russ. What i’ve done. ~Made the main farm a bit larger ~Added silage/Maize pits at the main farm ~Added slurry point inbetween silage pits at main farm ~Added Dung pit at main farm ~More sheds at main farm ~Rearanged flags at shop ~Added some more hedges ~Added some of FMC’s 6 bar animated gates Download: http://ul.to/eukfum58 http://freakshare.com/files/xij1oe5d/OtterFarm_V2Edit.zip.html
Westerseat Farm (Otter Farm Edit)
Otter Farm-Russ Edit of Otter Farm-Me (williamronaldson) Gates-FMC Modding LS–UK Modteam-For there amazing sheds taylor0o9 For some help in this project Download: http://ul.to/eoxfo7z1
MM Contracts Edit
Credits: Credits for the actual map goes to “MiguelFontanar1″ . Credits for the “FMC modding” for use of the gates/buildings. Credits to “McGitt” for remake of map. Download:
Beacons View Dairy Farm V2.1
Credits: Giants (of course) Slartibartfast aka DOCTORHILTI for ind est and houses and shop models Dr-uptown and Marcus for their hard work on the FMCmapdoortrigger and animating ind est doors potato/beet shed Decker_MMIV for the experimental multifruit map & fruit coding advice & the PDA mod. All at FMC who have contributed in one way or another The LS-UK mod team for the Gates and Gateposts from Wellbrook farm (09) adrien12 for the gazoil tank Duarn for the maison03 & 04 willjsavage for the old country wall discoade for the paths from his Map objects pack Sandgroper for the triple ... Read more
Pig Farm UK v1
Map : Danthefarmerboy Big shed, textures, etc : Giants Hedge : CountyPower Livestock Equip : Deutz Fahr UK Old Yard : FMC Wall : Wiliam7530 Silo & Pigs : Unkown Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134676703/1095d45/Pig_Farm_UK.zip.html