Tag: foliage
Grass Texture v 1.1 by ZG Team

Description This is Grass foliage texture Made for Farming Simulator 2013 game. To use this texture just copy content of Texture File folder into texture / foliage folder of your map mod. For even better result, try to change “numBlocksPerUnit” (in FoliageSubLayer name = “grass” located in your maps i3d file -.> Open with notepad) line, value to 2nd Credits: kirezagar, ZG Team
Seeding texture

Copy and replace files from the downloaded folder to you map-textures-foliage folder. Download: http://ul.to/vjxoz23q

Credits: Modder: Luis Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120792886/8f836d5/foliage_meadow_diffuse.rar.html
New Skin Grass

Description: by korn82 Copy the folder foliage to your C:\Programme\Landwirtschafts–Simulator 2009\data\maps\textures and overwrite it Warning: restore your original foliage folder if you want the old textures back. Download: New Skin Grass [Hotfile.com] Download: New Skin Grass [Letitbit.net]
Wheat Textures
Description: This includes wheat texture, windrow texture and cutted short aswell. Go to start>my computer>Local disc (C )>program files>FS/LS09>data>maps>textures>foliage Then replace the old files with this ones. Open the RAR to find texture file. Download: Wheat Textures [Hotfile.com]