Tag: foresty
John Deere 1110D Foresty pack

This is foresty pack,which had these mods. – John Deere 1110D Forwarder – Grapple – New logs,which are easy to handle and you can pick over 5 logs. (Must add with GE) There is couple of new scripts. – Moving seat – Cranelock Cranelock means that you can’t use crane if seat is in “transport” position. You need Roate the seat by pressing N or M key. Seat must be roate over 90 degrees and then the crane start working. And steering changes commands when your seat is transport or workposition…I can’t tell that correctly,but you will found out what ... Read more
Scania Foresty Pack

Description: Modell:Solanz, Leandrols09 Texture: Leandrols09 Script – Ingame: Zippo ls2011 gnom Download: Scania Foresty Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Scania Foresty Pack [Uploading.com]
Foresty winch and log

Description: LS 09 Model: Sebi In game: Simonchenbohnchen In LS 11: Qwerty Download: Foresty winch and log [Hotfile.com] Download: Foresty winch and log [Uploading.com]
CLAAS Arion 520 (foresty)
Description: Credits for original CLAAS Modell: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Textur: Templaer und Wohlstandskind Script: Templaer Modification: Jerome-57 EDIT TO FORESTY VERSION: Qwerty Download: CLAAS Arion 520 (foresty) [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Arion 520 (foresty) [Uploading.com]