Tag: Formula
Scania P420 FK (Norwegian) Trailer
Credits: Image by Tuttu (Team Hadeland) Model Original:MAN, LEANDROLS09 Model scania3 : Formula_1 Textur, Script: Formula_1 Edit By Tuttu (Team Hadeland) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127142251/5cb6d92/Scania_FK_Henger.zip.html
Lamborghini Formula 135
Credits: Modell & Project, d model, Skin-Texture, in game, fix: Ago–Systemtech. Script used by: Manuel Leithner,Sven777b,Templaer,Mario,modelleicher, other. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126216701/7195ad1/Lamborghini_Formula135_Ago.zip.html
Credits: Modelo/Scripts/Textura/Som: Formula_1 www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125942127/17ffe9d/MB_1935_TRUCK.zip.html
JohnDeere 4830 Sprayer
Credits: Model 4830: Formula_1 Textura, Script: Formula_1 MOD By Formula_1 Model Original: JD 4730:Thercsy and Tibcsi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125699708/acd6123/JohnDeere_4830_Sprayer.zip.html
Ford Cargo 4331
Credits: Modelo/Scripts/Som: Formula_1 FazendeiroBR www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125340586/5a5a5ee/FORD_4331.zip.html
TECNO 9500 Combine PACK
Credits: Model Tecno 9500: Formula_1 Textures: Formula_1 Script: Formula_1 machine based John Deere 9950 (Chrisp267) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123049846/8aa45bd/TECNO_9500_PACK.rar.html
Intrac 2004 Spritze v 2.0 [mp]
Credits: Modell: FazendeiroBR und Formula_1 Scripts: Sandro Edit: sim2009 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121510036/a37e6f9/Intrac_2004_spritze.zip.html
TECNO N.12 Seeder
Description: Original mod Knagsted Model:Formula_1 Script, textur:Formula_1 Download: TECNO N.12 Seeder [Hotfile.com] Download: TECNO N.12 Seeder [Uploading.com]
John Deere 1550 Pack
Description: Multiplayer Unzip the folder MODS Fruit:wheat rape maize barley oat triticale rye sunflower mohn soybean PACK:John Deere 1550,Cutter JD 625H, Cutter JD Corn, JD Trailer Press the letter F to go several times linking the Headlights Credits: JOHN DEERE 1550 [Model: Formula_1 Textur, Script: Formula_1 JD 625H Model:JD600R Modificacões:Formula_1 Edit, Textur: Formula_1 JD Corn Cutter Convert by Dzanito edit john deere: fORMULA_1 JOHN DEERE Trailer Convert by Dzanito EDIT JOHNH DEERE: Formula-1 Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Uploading.com]
VW 18_310 Titan Pack Mod-Pack
Description: Modell Original: Kroeger_Auflieger_GWo_Edit = GWO Bearbeiten = DopeEx Modell Trailer NOMA: Formula_1 Textur, Drehbuch: Formula_1 Download: VW 18_310 Titan Pack Mod–Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: VW 18_310 Titan Pack Mod-Pack [Uploading.com]