Tag: Frasercow
More Realistic Houle 6100

Description Frasercow‘s Houle 6100 has now been converted to work with Dural’s More Realistic Mod. The slurry tanker originally appeared in Frasercow‘s Houle Tanker pack and has been converted with kind permissions. The original mod has been preserved and only dynamics related changes have been made. Modifications include correct scaling and physics dimensions and weight distribution as well as dynamic traveling values, such as breaking and suspension adjustment. This tank fills from the hole in the top and is best used with Frasercow‘s Houle fill stand. The Houle fill stand must be attached to the manure pit via Giants Editor. ... Read more
Houle manure pipe

For putting on maps. Credits: Pipe model & texture by Frasercow wheels model & texture by Giants Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6yf9e3ndbwnky63 http://www.sendspace.com/file/gn90zu
Nuhn 6750 Beta Release

Description: Multiplayer ready Version 1.0 Capacity 25552L Price $29000 Features Hazard lights Left & right turn lights Attachable PTO Brake lights InputBindings Left turn lights KP_1 Hazard lights KP_2 Right turn lights KP_3 Credits Model & Texture by Frasercow Script by Frasercow & Giants software Ingame by FraserCow LightsAddon V3.1 Script by Sven777b Attachable PTO Script by LS-UK Modteam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?wtsapwyf63grjri http://www.sendspace.com/file/dp8xxj
John Deere 7810 2WD – SndGrdn Edit
Modell: Templaer & Wohlstandskind converted to Ls11 by Paldoo EDIT by Frasercow & paldoo Re–Edit by SndGrdn 12/20/2011 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138096248/b7ec494/JD7810_2WD_SndGrdn_Edit.zip.html
John Deere 6130 2WD
Credits: Modell: Rutschkupplung Textur: Rutschkupplung Script: Rutschkupplung edit : Frasercow Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124567599/a34a6d7/JD6130_2wd.zip.html