Tag: Free
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more
Forestry step Rundbalen v 1

Description here is a round baler of progress, special is only the new sound and a license plate because I have only taken from ls11 to 13mm, the original modder is me unfortunately nich known when his mod recognizes then please times pn me, it is ERROR–FREE and does not even provide otherwise Credits: habe in konvertiert
Ferris v 1.0

features: Risenrad to embellish your map. Animated wheel Free scalierbar if someone does not like the size. Placeable is not, then is not the animation. No, you can not drive yourself :-) Also not ride, you shall edit your fields :-) This is for your children, so that also have some fun. Credits: GIANTS 3dHH
Single Axle General Purpose Trailer

A Single Axle UBT in JD colours for small farms. Contains a Used and New version. Working Lights, Beacons and Indicastors. Removable Front Rail. Manual or Automated Bail Pickup. balecapacity: 8 big square bales, 10 round bales, 30 normal square bales, 78 small square bales, 185 small bales from Welger_AP730_SimpleChute, 280 small bales from Welger_AP730_ExtenedChute, 200 small bales from Free DLC Baler Credits Model: Milpol In Game: Milpol/SndGrdn TrailerParts Script: SndGrdn Lights Script: Sven777b Original Bale Script: Bassaddict
This map was edited heavy by kesboer i used a great map, i edited it alot more details changed textures, removed and added new buildings like the bga from manuel also the windmills and how about the feedingcenter for this part of the map there is an new mod comming a Schuitemaker feedo 840. i changed also the fields made some bigger ore moved it i created also a lot of new fields with a nice landscape with an eye for detail! Feedingcenter: here you can store your silage/grass to let it make silo this product you can sel at ... Read more
ELKOPLAST DC7000 Watertank
5 x Polypropylene 7000 litre tanks for map makers as scenery objects. Object are dynamic so will move if bumped Free to use in any map of your choice, models are V-1.0 V-2.0 will be transportable and available for purchase from the farm shop. Please give credit where due if you use this item. Please do not modify without permission. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ksik66vakykd2er http://www.sendspace.com/file/6e1vja
Private Map v2 Plus
tipAnywhere mod by Defender Silage pit V2 by Model: McGill2009 Texture: McGill2009 Converted from sketchup to i3d by deek tested by: Cam001, Jamesyy Log shredder(modified from) the kfarm map Shed by Modder: Stehrle With Help From: LS 09-21 Modteam Free Flying Camera Mod Script by Sven777b new Ballen shredder by ghost1 bale processor building by Macegriffin Gabonasiló by Model by: marjas31 Some models have been imported from from Demolition Company by Giants Software Download: http://ul.to/uqctqh0y
My Free Farm
American Style Red Barn:troll711 Large American Style Barn:troll711 US Red Roofed Barn: sandgroper Old windmill: bitten Plastic Fencing: sandgroper 5 Strand Wire and Wooden Post Fencing Kit V1.1: sandgroper Road pack: goldpower600 Water Collection, Storage and Supply Mods: sandgroper Multisilo: Maca Liquid Manure & Solid Manure Mod: NorweiganFarmer dam: roni Download: http://ul.to/4l4edvz0
Hummer H1 Alpha 3D Model
Autor: Cristinel Format: z3d – You will need Zmodeler to open this model. – This is a 3D model that I made from scratch. – Free for none-commercial use. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135875648/674505d/3D_Model_Hummer_H1_Alpha.rar.html