Tag: frontweight
tank gewicht mod

Description this is a frontweight for yuor tractor i only upload it here it come\’s from modhoster Credits Modder: Jesse James LS 011 ready by spider100
Valmet 502 By: FV-Modding [MP]

—————————————————————– Features: —————————————————————– -Manual ignition -Worklights -You can hide/unhide double wheels by pressing 8 and 9 -Buyable frontweight -Buyable side sheets -Buyable front mudguards -Four different versions (Two with FL and two without FL) -Wheelparticles -1:1 Scale -MP-Ready —————————————————————– Thanks —————————————————————– We thank everybody who have involved in this project. We thank also for the nice comments. —————————————————————– Editing —————————————————————– You can edit this mod only in your own use and you are not allowed to ingame anything on this. —————————————————————– Uploading —————————————————————– Do not upload this to any other sites without our permission! —————————————————————– Copyrights(©) —————————————————————– FV-Modding 2012 (Farmari99 ... Read more
Volvo bm 810

this is the volvo bm 810 its atractor for small-medium sized farm tractor. I have added more light and new tires key 5 to start key 6 for worklight key 7 frontweight Features: MP Compatible Better Worklight ESlimiter Credits Model: Axel_of_Sweden Ingame: PeterJ Script: Henly20 and PeterJ Edit: Chrille154 and Nonispettersson
MF8400 pack (8480 edit)
MF 8460 with rear dual wheels and frontweight. MF 8470 with flotation wheels and working front linkage. MF 8480 with duals both front and rear and front linkage. All the tractors have ESlimiter, Powershaftattacher, Manual ignition and Additional lights 3.1 Controls: Start: Key5 Front duals: key8 Rear duals: key9 Front worklights: numpad 5 Rear worklights: numpad 6 Indicators: Left:numpad 1 Right:numpad 3 Hazard: numpad 2 Please don´t upload this anywhere else! Credits: Basemodel: ? 8480 edit: ottopersson Trelleborg wheels: Tires: 3xitus Rims: STIANBY Lightsaddon: Sven777b Powershaftattacher and ESlimiter: SFM modding Dualwheelscripts and manual ignition: LS-UK Modteam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4ab390mg31uu6ui http://www.sendspace.com/file/zobyv3