Tag: fruktor
Reisch RD 180

Here is my Reisch RD 180 Changes : – Texture edit – Lights – Zip file cleaned – and small edits (price, etc) Fruits- standard+chaff and grass Capacity= 18,000 Tipping= left and right only Mp, Sp Ready and Bug free. Credits Modell: S.Geri Ingamen: kombájnos Munkahenger: Regie Script: fruktor, sven777b Umbau: taker und Herby
Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side

Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side tipper 1:1 Features: Animated chocks Removable tarpaulin body 46 470 liters capacity Lighting V3.1 (Sven777b) fruits: original and potatoes,Carrots,sugarbeet Credits Modell: Kyosho script: fruktor
Veenhuis SW550

LS09: Kanalratte LS11 and Edit by Dorsy & Balu79nvp 1zu1 scaled by Jesse James Scripte by fruktor Animierter Kratzboden & Laderaumabdeckung by Kyosho’s Modfactory
MAN TGS 35.480 Agrotruck and Bergmann Vario Trailer

Modell:joost,fendt 412 Textur: joost,fendt 412 Ingame:joost Script: sven777b,Giants,joost Bergmann Vario Wechselsystem Textur: Daniel11 Script/inGame: fruktor Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?inwzoa3zqbqsyr2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/fuvt9z
Welger DK 280R
Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: pfreek Skripte: Sven777b, Geri-G, fruktor Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?91blgiw36bnn3qz http://www.sendspace.com/file/hgki0x
Fendt 309C
Verlichtingscript V3 Zwaailamp Heffing front Dubbellucht (voor en achter) Aftakas Attacher RPM Limiter Operator Hours Toeren en KM/H teller op dashboard Genoeg koppel en pk’s! Credits: Modell/Textur: RTK-LS InGame: RTK-LS Script: fruktor, Tobias F, Manuel Leithner, Modelleicher, Sven777b Reifen: Modell/Textur: Bullet Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?87h1nhd7j7b681v http://www.sendspace.com/file/ijk7xc
Crown BigX 1100 Beast Pack v7
Umbau Krone BigX1100 Beast Dez2011 / Jan2012: >>> by Repi & Bullgore <<< Modell: Giants Modell umbau, neue AO und Decals: Repi Animationen neu angepasst: Repi Scripte: Face, Alex2009, Sven777b, John Deere 6930, fruktor – Modell komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi) – Neue AO Textur mit Decals (Repi) – I3D neu aufgebaut (Repi) – XML neu aufgebaut (Repi) – Animationen neu eingefügt (Repi) – Joystick by BlackFox, AO Textur Joystick by Repi – Lua´s verbaut, XML Tuning by Bullgore >>> by Alex2009<<< – GreenStar Einbau überarbeitet – GreenStar auf V1.1 geupdatet Umbau Krone XDisc6200 Jan2012: Urmodell: raptor Teil neuaufbau: Repi Neue ... Read more
MAN TGX V8 Pack v 2.0 Reiffeisen
Modell MAN TGX V8 Umbau by madabub Skin by madabub Ingame by madabub Update by Kyosho Modell Kröger Agroliner Edit by =GWo= DopeEx Update by Kyosho Urmodell HilkenHI34000MK: Arnold script: fruktor Umbau zum Sattelauflieger: Kyosho Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8wyv034ntfs5bs1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/j944le
Fuhrmann FF 32 000 v 2.0
Modell: Kyosho script: fruktor Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?c141su29hpgrb3v http://www.sendspace.com/file/7hd4dg
Model:agromet Textures:agromet In game: Svitch Script: fruktor, sven777b, Burner Download: http://ul.to/m8hpx8q1