Tag: FS
Kimadan 20T liquid trailer v 1.0

Credits: Modell: daniel11/818vario Texture / Ingame: Tobii / Jorgen Script: Outlaw Sound: sevorane Performance-Tuning: MadMax Animations Edit by Mario Reskin: DenOmania Edit: DenOmania_LSmods.dk Washable: Binds Boel Converted to FS 2013 City C / M Modding
MF 3080 v 1.0

Credits: rifi0 roller90 DareCro and TractorBoys workshop EddieVegas (fs-uk.com) FS–UK modteam Eifok Team
MAZ 5549

Carrying cultures: wheat barley rape maize sunflower rye grass silage. Added scripts: tueren, unisound. Capacity: 10 tonns. Has opening doors. Doors opens with M, N. Max speed ~ 50 km/h. Great truck for small farms. This is my first truck edit. I hope you will like it. Credits: Script: IFAW50L MAZ: 3D Model: Newuser, Reketir, dufata, Kamazist86, GlobetrotterXL Textures: Newuser Converted/Help: NORTHERN_STRIKE/STALKER Assembly/Edit 3D Model/Textures: MYTHBUSTER FS 2011: Edit 3D Model/XML: MYTHBUSTER Edit: kolhoznik18 (t-28) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?x4g1107bz1u84ew http://www.sendspace.com/file/mxhifo
Claas Jaguat 900 FS
Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle: Base-Model: Yekk1/BigFarmer145 Texture: BigFarmer145/LordTex/ Base-Scripts: raptor, Arnold, Headshot XXL Midsteering by Zippo Manualignition by Templaer –> @LS11 by Andreas Schneider jlichterscript von Headshot XXL washable, ESLimiter, Operatinghours by Manuel Leithner – SFM-Modding RPMLimiter by Templaer Lightfunctions by Ellinor Ström LS 2011 porting, model editing and update, dirt skins, midsteering addition: Knuuud LS2011 ingame tweaking and physics: Herrman Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?yvpcpc7e9tycaja http://www.sendspace.com/file/8wqp2t
Claas Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle pack edit by EddieVegas
To use this mod and to get it into the store you need v2.0 or newer of the game. It’s EASY to read the release notes when you are about to download a mod and find that out instead of complaining before you know. Patch can be found here for the non steam and mac users: Giants update page and its FREE! This is the Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle pack for LS2011 by Knuuud [LS-UK] and Herrman. Featuring REAL knicksteering, auto aiming in turns, fully washable, fully illuminated. Detach the trailer and attach another while your buddy drives it back to ... Read more
FS 11 Map v6 by wopito
FS 11 Map v6 by wopito -The new map, which has been modified from the original game map. A varied and hilly terrain. Upper and lower fields. The original grain in addition to two other cereals: Potato and SugarBeet -Dlc2BGA -One of the sales outlet in the middle of the map -The two farms -The original place for cattle -For all cereals own silos -A lot of fields, of different sizes, flat and hilly. -Some of the fields are plowed ready -PDA-map update -Includes the PDA map where you can see what you get for each grain is. Installation: -Export ... Read more
John Deere 7810 EDIT fix v1.2
Original Authors: – Templaer und Wohlstandskind Additional Authors: – Russ (www.ls-uk.info) – Converted mod to FS 2011 and added additional functionality – Sven777b – Beleuchtung v3 – Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – ControlPanelAttacher, ESLimiter, InteractiveButtons, InteractiveComponent Interface, InteractiveControl v2.0, PowerShaftAttacher Edited wheels and front part of the hood : Sotillo Re-edit by: MPFARMER (me) Testing by: MPFARMER (me) EDDIE VEGAS FOR SOUND’S KJ981300 FOR SOUND CHANGE, Download: http://ul.to/fsyyi9ma http://freakshare.com/files/25v2uq9h/JD-207810-20EDIT-20BY-20KJ981300.zip.html
Volvo N1023
Download links: http://ul.to/4spv92qj http://freakshare.com/files/wdzp5cgg/FS—ETS—TRUCK-Volvo-N1023-Australian.zip.html
Case International 7120 2wd
This is my first mod successfully converted Fs09 to Fs11, everything works perfectly, just a bug, do not know exactly whether it is a problem, when using the powershift gear when you accelerate button numpad 4, and up the gears slowly it reduces the RPM. but the rest works, the transmission system standard, twin wheels, mirrors, etc… Original Mod: Knagsted Edit: Maiko Convert to FS 2011: Maiko Download: http://ul.to/8m6d78r7 http://uploading.com/files/7467c447/IHC_7120_2wd_v1.zip/
John Deere 4630 Converted to FS 2011
Original Mod: Knagsted Edit: Greasersnoopy Convert to FS 2011: camquart Download: http://ul.to/diz6nro3 http://uploading.com/files/9725e432/JD4630.zip/