Tag: Fun
Bolko Multifruit V3

<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/1339719107_8UD2auKscZywBSg4-600×450.png" alt="" title="1339719107_8UD2auKscZywBSg4" width=”600″ height=”450″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-54464″ /> Description This is a rebuild of the old Potato-Bolko. Now its ready for following Fruits: Potato Pea (I know its usually treshing harvest) Onions Carrot and Sugarbeet I have made a new skin, biger cutting-width, and increase the Fill–Amount. I\’ve tried to put a Helper in, but could\’nt get it right. (If somebody could do it, just let me know) So, it might be more for smaller Farms, or just give it a try, it works with nice animations. Have Fun! Ps.: be carefull with frontweights, otherwise you fligh..sorry, but ... Read more
Placeable jump v 1.0 (Fun Mod)

Description Here a placeable jump for you. Caution: Pure Fun Mod. You can for example. park with a quad or go to full throttle over it. In addition, you can use their platform to a show of your vessels. Credits: Der Mod wurde allein von mir gebaut.
Vobegas v3

‘m here again, the revised map and buried with new buildings I wish you much fun here =) So much for the map, I have tried asking, but it came after weeks of no response, because for the modder who wrote the he would have nothing to do with ls 11 (: I ask this as a direct downloud also :) The Court can not cheer silage are fed there, they must by no more capacity that the bga has to be on your yard and then brought to gelager bga to get their money (:! if ye buys cows ... Read more
This map was edited heavy by kesboer i used a great map, i edited it alot more details changed textures, removed and added new buildings like the bga from manuel also the windmills and how about the feedingcenter for this part of the map there is an new mod comming a Schuitemaker feedo 840. i changed also the fields made some bigger ore moved it i created also a lot of new fields with a nice landscape with an eye for detail! Feedingcenter: here you can store your silage/grass to let it make silo this product you can sel at ... Read more
Fendt 916 Vario
Here is an nice Fendt 916 Vario edit by Me ( Hansemann ). I hope you like it and you enjoy it Smiley Much Fun with it , Hansemann 7
International Harvester 3788 2+2
The International Harvester 3788 2+2 tractor is a Farming Icon here in the United States and now here is your Chance to have one of your own. This was a PeterJ Project He used knagted 86 series wheels and his model as reference to make this 3788 but the model is New for you to Enjoy Have Fun! Feature’s operating Hours Manual Ignition > Number Pad Delete key Work lights > Number Pad 4 key PowerShaft Attacher Auto Steer > Number Pad 5 key Duel Wheels > Press O when outside of the Machine to add Duel Wheels front and ... Read more
Lanz D1705 Racing
Hi, hir ist ein Lanz D 1705 in der Racing EDIT von Spider100 Ich habe diesen Mod Getunt, für Freaks die gerne etwas schneller Fahren. Er hatt eine so hohe Zuglesitung dass er ohne Probleme gorße Kipper zieht. Der Schlepper Fährt nun ca. 90-100 km/h (dass is sehr schnell) Zudem ist die Durchzugsleistung so optimirt, das man nicht auch die großen und Leistungsstarken Geräte bequem verwenden kann. Ansonsten ist er weitestgehen Orignal (Es kommen aber noch weitere Versionen. Viele werden jetzt denken dass ist unreal, ja mansche werden sich sogar beschweren; aber ich gebe denen Recht. Das ist ja auch ... Read more
Farming Fun Map
Welcome to the Fun Map, where Farming went mad! Farmers are hard workers, and hard workers need to play hard. That’s why the LS-UK Modteam brings you: The Fun Map. Here, you can have a good game of football with your mates… Challenge them to Combine Racing Extravaganza, where smoke, diesel and roaring engines make your heart beat faster and your head spin! We provided you with 6 unique Combines, under license from the Lizard Racing Team. Have a go, pick your favourite and put the pedal to the metal! Show your friends why your tractor of choice is the ... Read more
Mining Map 2012 v1.5
In this map you can drive around a mine and view the nice scenery and detail. This map contains the original map fruits and its not a map for farming and there are no fields. The dirt is not moveable but its still a fun map. Feel free to edit this map just keep POLISHMODS team and any other credits to the objects you keep also keep me in the credits. Hope someone can make the dirt moveable. I am working on a version 2 and have two mines. Things changed -added new models -fixed issue with store spot when ... Read more
Mining Map 2012
In this map you can drive around a mine and view the nice scenery and detail. This is my first uploaded map and I will say its not my best. This map contains the original map fruits and its not a map for farming and there are no fields. The dirt is not moveable but its still a fun map. Feel free to edit this map just keep POLISHMODS team and me in the credits. I hope I trigger some people to want to make some mining maps and hope someone can make the dirt moveable. I am going to ... Read more