Tag: GA
Kuhn GA 431 GM

Description Have fun with it.. Credits Modell: steyr1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax
Deutz Fahr Single Rotor

I have the Kuhn GA 280 umgeskinnt of JoniiboY, and made it into a Deutz Fahr Rake. I’ve also added the mod further optimized and the larger the smaller Zip to 3.8 instead of 11, x MB. Functions are still the old present. Steering-linked wheels Folding swath Langsammes turn on the gyro PTO attacher point
FantasyLand DLC2
Giants Software Sugarbeet texture for map by Bayn Maiz in rowsV2 by Dad0 Texture Pack by Melfoy Grass texture by Masam/Wopito Foliage Trees by Wallu Baleshredder by Sprengi Storage Shed Pack V2 by Discoade Braueri by ETS/GTS British Shed Pack by Farmer54/Andrew Stanford Hangar and Maison by Duarn OldWindmill by Bitten/Gerzi Zuckerruebenfabrik by Kleener22 10 Different Hedge by Spider100 LowpolyTrees by Vanilleeis Barbed Wire Fence by FMC/Kaosknite Silage Clamp by Griffydam/Dodo27 FarmStorageSilo by The Oman/Dinamit3/Spider100 Fuelpumpe by Volvot22 Guellegrube V1 by Manuel Silo by DerLord Spotlight by Showgunn84 DDRTankstelle by DDR_Bauer Wall1 by LeicestershireFarmer MapWaterTrigger u Wasserbecken v 1.0 ... Read more
Kuhn GA 8121
Description: SFM presents the first LS2011 Multiplayer–Mod. The Kuhn GA 8121 is a windrower with working width of about 8 meters. -> Works with Patch 1.1, which will be released in the next few days Credits: SFM–Modding Download: Kuhn GA 8121 [Hotfile.com] Download: Kuhn GA 8121 [Uploading.com]