Tag: gas
Mossyville Map

hello, This is a edit of samplemodmap, It is alot smaller and has the orignal fruits. It also has the option to sell liquid manure and manure. You can also sell milk, It has no milk truck but will autosell at midnight. One more thing, you can also sell grass, there are alot of grass to mow. thank you, happy farming. rb Credits milk mod, tank and sell point by devil revenge chevton gas station by troll711 manure/liquidmanure sellpoint and tubes by janlandby Heavy wooden bridge by abasstreppas Tunnel by dodo27 road pac by goldpower600/johndeere6800 and also giants If i ... Read more
Ploughing mod

Simulation of the Groove by the collapse of the wheels where Groove should be without prejudice to the area,-Simulate jumpy terrain while driving on an area plowed,-Increase the engine speed during plughing,-Additional exhaust gas particle system, which appears during plughing.The package contains two examples of tractors and user’s Guide. Clear All Credits credits all to (Burner)
Map Vega del carrión

Well, here I upload my first creation, map plain of carrion. This map is made from javier007 map, no man’s land. It has a fairly large area, has the following outlets: liquor store, NutriDense, silo, port, dairy, madritex, Eroski, and sale of slurry and manure. It also has a gas station, located next to Eroski. Their crops are: Wheat, Barley, Canola, Corn, MaízV2, Carrots, Potatoes, Sugar beet, sunflower, Poppy, Rice, Cotton, Pineapple, Artichokes, Eggplant, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Peas, GuisantesV2 (EAP), strawberries, yellow beans, green wheat, green beans, pumpkins, melons, radishes, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, sugar cane, tea leaves, Tomatoes, Kale, Cabbage, Onions, ... Read more
Farm in fallow V2 DLC2 BGA
Buildings- Peelo Startmap- palajos, dodo27 and gnom milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge Hanger 12- duarn Beet and potato storage sheds- discoade spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shed, gas station and cattle shed- troll711 Houses- ar1g3 Silos and ramp- dinamit3 and spider100 Brewery- ka88 and Friese62 Stone fence- Denni Mill- louter ?? maure heap- devil revenge 6 Bar gate- druptown liquid manure tube- janlandby slurry pit-ar1g3
Scania diesel tank truck v3
Scania diesel tank truck, “Billinger country trade” for fueling tractors and threshers. (Works like the Hoftankstelle) Features: Mobile gas station, Highway Code V3.1 lighting, dynamic exhaust, tire dust in the field, einblendbarer gas station attendant. Price in Store: 68 400 € Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7afb1c9v716gai2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ufiwaj
Thuringian Forest Map v 2.0
Was added a gas station (diesel purchase) A sand mining (sand purchase) a station with a train track (no train runs) (sale of sand wheat barley canola corn potatoes, purchase of fertilizer and seed) sale in the wagon or in the field a construction site (selling sand) were on the farm silos replaced by grass and Maissilagesilo New grass texture added have been added power lines the bga has now other silos Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/Z5eDbfa4xr/Thueringen_v2.zip http://fiberupload.com/spy09afgde13/Thueringen_v2.zip
This is a medium sized map, which is at the momment version1, version 2 will follow with the other side of the water, becoming a bio-gas area,for DLC2, this side has a main farm to the west, cow meadow, in the middle, little farm to the east,grain mill and shop to the northeast, the PDA map works ok, sorry could’nt get milk truck to work this time, but I have put milk mod in, suupose it give you extra stuff to do, fields are well shaped and sized, and hilly in places, you will have to go around the fields ... Read more
Farming the bottom
First a big thanks to farmeryip for his videos on how to make a map. Start map– palajos, dodo27 and gnom Milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge. Hanger12- duarn Feed mixer/shredder– discoade Beet and potato storage sheds– discoade gas station– devil revenge Spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shad- troll711 MultiSilo- Maca Houses– ar1g3 EsterhazyMill- siraly0211 Wooden bridges- abasstreppas Old sheds– fergus-payne Download: http://ul.to/1p4sltqh