Tag: gates
HayField Farm

Welcome to HayField Farm. ► Beef Farm – Silage only ► Small tight yard ► Moving cows ► No village, traffic or dealership ► Small map with only a few fields ► All fields are grass and maize. No cerial crops! ► New textures ► Paintable trees with only a few giants trees to save on lagg ► Steep terrain ► Open/Close gates – FMC Trigger needed. ► Id3 – 10.7mb ► FMC Trigger Credits Chris_7710 LS-UK ModTeam FMC Dad0 DaleC Deutz Fahr UK Giants
Burton Hall Farm UK map

Burton Hall Farm is a uk map. The main farm is a Dairy farm but there is also a yard on the other side of the map although this is more off a contractors yard. The map has a variety off field shapes & sizes for arable cropping & some small paddocks for grass. There are 2 small villages 1 off which has the mill where you can sell your grains. The bale sell triggers for the map are spread over the map , there is 1 at the main farm inbetween the 2 cattle sheds. There is 1 over ... Read more
Ledgeview Dairy Farm

Welcome to Ledgeview Farm, a small dairy farm in scenic Maine, USA. This map is based on small-scale dairy farming, and most of the fields are small-medium sized: hay, corn and pastures for the dairy farms. There are 2 small dairy farms and you can feed your cows with the BGA silo and feed bunks at the main farm using a feed mixer. You can sell your milk at the H. P. Hood plant in the southwest corner of the map. You can sell grain at the co-op to the south or the feed mill in the west. Fruits: Wheat, ... Read more
Farminshop 5 Series garage
This garage does iehr of the original map, now the gates open and you kan tractors and cars to park. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?icqqen9qc2mngpq http://www.sendspace.com/file/d4r4kq
Banjo Farms
FMC – Freelance Modding Crew for their gates, great job on those ya’ll. FMC for the MultiFruitLayer Installer, sure makes it faster to put trees on the map FMC for the Parsnip, makes it easy to change things around. triggers by Cadaver (uk) thank these sure make it easy for somebody like me to make a map. bale destroyer trigger i forgot where i got it, but thanks. Bociek & the PolishMods team pretty sure i used some of there textures. GhillieSniper for the HD Terrain textures V2 Burner for the weed mod New Plowing Texture by Melfoy seeding texture ... Read more
Higher Hills Farm, By Bigman (FIXED)
Buildings – LS–UK Modteam Roads by Russ Freelance Modding Crew Gates Earn Dale Store – Andrew Stanford Yard Pack – Deutz Fahr UK & MF6160 Speedcamera – Willjsavage Old Yard – FMC, Slartibartfast, Road Closed – Matt390t Bale Stacks – Emils96 Ring Feeder – Deutz FahrUK, DaleC & Slartibartfast Old Cottage – Griffy (If I have missed any pleas let me know and I will add them) Testers: Nod500, Chris_7710, NiallLOD, Mad4gear, Wiliam, Matt390T Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xpt4cu
Back View Farm
I have recently been working on a map called Back View Farm. The map is based on the beautiful Northern Irish countryside. This map is for smaller equipment due to tighter gates. Credits: The Modteam for all the sheds and hedges andrew stanford for the dealer william7530 for the map making tutorial Terrain by johndeere6530 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?x7unl87w6977z3t http://www.sendspace.com/file/rs4e03
OakWood Farm V2
One highly detailed woodland based yard Small village Moving cows Auto sell milk Standard fruits Selection of start equipment To open and close the gates press O To work the service platform press O No PDA due to the map not realy been big enough to need one Bale sell point – in the cattle feed ring that’s located in the cattle meadow Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/q0gitp
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only FIXED 2
FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: roof Killer , Model: ... Read more
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only
FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures and the Alternative tipping. Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: ... Read more