Money Mod [MP]

Money Mod for Farming Simulator 2011. The video is from Farming Simulator 2009, but the same procedure for the Farming Simulator 2011. The mod will appear in the Shop, to be purchased, but instead of spending money, you will receive 5 million. Multiplayer Compatible. Credits By Gaxi / FSGAXI
Massey Ferguson 5650

MF5650 Model: John Anthony and Ataynã Textures: John Anthony Scripts and Sounds: FazendeiroBR Plataforma Powerflex Model: Gaxi Editions: John Anthony Download: http://ul.to/z5ou63f7 http://uploading.com/files/5119m473/Massey_Ferguson_5650_Pack.zip/
JD1550 Mod v1.1

Model Combine/Textures:RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Scripts/Ingame:Gaxi/FSGaxi Especializations:??? Model Cabin and Cutter:Knagsted Head Trailer:R3ggo111/Knagsted Edit Head Trailer:RaFa/FS Gaxi Edit Cutter:FS/Gaxi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138302181/bb8777b/JD1550_v1_Pack.zip.html
Mato Grosso do Sul MAP **V2.0**
Map made by: RaFa (Rafael Zanella). Models: RaFa,Giants,Gaxi,Cacá,?? New soybean fruit: RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Maize and Rape in rows: RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Thanks: LS-UK, lsportal.hu, Tiago Piloneto, Gaxi, Caca. Download: http://ul.to/o91a5mes
Mini Cornwall Map by EA
Map by DaleC (EA) Objects by Deutz Fahr UK Maxter William7530 FSGaxi/Gaxi Troll MF6140 Sandgrooper And any that I have missed Download: http://ul.to/jsbwnyaz
Kinze Grain Cart Track
Credits: Modell: Bigfarmer145, FORMULA_1 Textur: FORMULA_1 Script: Outlaw, Gaxi, FORMULA_1 conversion LS 11:FORMULA_1 www.ls-modsource.de – www.ls-mods.de Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126496424/3dd1326/KinzeGrainCartTrack.zip.html
Micromap JCB ED Edit
Credits: Micromap:Bociek, Cytrus 12 and Polishmods Team. Converted to FS11: Gaxi / FSGAXI Straw shed: Farmerl Grass texture: Bociek & the PolishMods team CultivatorTextures pack: Dad0 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121449462/afd52c2/micromap_edit_FINAL.zip.html
Scania 111 S v 2
Credits: Model/Sound/Script by: FazendeiroBR, Jader Versao 2.0 – Novo:Multigraos, Lona, Reflexos, Painel by: Gaxi e Sandro Textures: Jader Edit: Jader www.jader-ls-mods.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120038136/7a8adb0/Scania_111_S.zip.html
Micro Map
Description: Micro Map converted from LS2009 to LS2011 Work in Multiplyer, but only original fruits Credits: by:Bociek, Cytrus 12 and Polishmods Team Convert to FS11: Gaxi / FSGAXI Download: Micro Map [Hotfile.com] Download: Micro Map [Uploading.com]
New Holland TJ450
Description: Original: balogh2003 LS11: GAXI/FSGAXI Download: New Holland TJ450 [Hotfile.com] Download: New Holland TJ450 [Uploading.com]